Abstract | Ovaj se završni rad bavi istraživanjem i analizom urbanih napadnih operacija. U radu
je potrebno definirati ciljeve i značajke urbanih napadnih operacija te prikazati organizaciju
bojišta i bojnog prostora u kontekstu urbanih okruženja. Također se uspoređuju različiti oblici
urbanog napadnog manevra i vrste napadnih zadaća, proučavaju temeljne zadaće, djelovanje i
aktivnosti pješačkih vodova u urbanim napadnim operacijama. Poseban fokus je stavljen na
analizu bitke za Mosul kao relevantnog primjera provedbe urbane napadne operacije. U
okviru analize, procjenjuju se sve ključne značajke ovog primjera, uključujući političku,
vojnu i sigurnosnu pozadinu, strategiju i planiranje vojnih snaga, primijenjene taktike i
izazove s kojima se suočavalo. Bitka za Mosul pruža vrijedan uvid u složenost i zahtjeve
urbanih sukoba te omogućuje procjenu postignuća i posljedica oslobođenja grada od
terorističke organizacije ISIL. U sklopu rada navodi se relevantna literatura koja je korištena
za istraživanje, kao i dobivena pomoć u prikupljanju informacija. Kroz sveobuhvatan pregled
definicija, analiza primjera i proučavanje literature, ovaj završni rad pruža dublje
razumijevanje ciljeva, značajki i izazova urbanih napadnih operacija. U zaključku se ističe
važnost kontinuiranog usavršavanja, prilagodbe i razvoja doktrina te strategija, kako bi se
osigurala uspješna provedba budućih operacija u urbanom okruženju. |
Abstract (english) | This final paper deals with the research and analysis of urban offensive operations.
The aim of the work is to define the objectives and features of urban offensive operations and
to show the organization of the battlefield and the battlefield in the context of urban
environments. Different forms of urban offensive maneuver and types of offensive tasks are
also compared, basic tasks, operations, and activities of infantry platoons in urban offensive
operations are studied. A special focus is placed on the analysis of the battle for Mosul as a
relevant example of the implementation of an urban offensive operation. As part of the
analysis, all the key features of this example are assessed, including the political, military and
security background, the strategy and planning of the military forces, the tactics employed,
and the challenges faced. The battle for Mosul provides a valuable insight into the
complexities and demands of urban conflict and allows for an assessment of the achievements
and consequences of liberating the city from the terrorist organization ISIL. As part of the
paper, the relevant literature that was used for the research, as well as the help received in
gathering information, is listed. Through a comprehensive review of definitions, analysis of
examples, and literature review, this thesis provides a deeper understanding of the objectives,
features, and challenges of urban offensive operations. In the conclusion, the importance of
continuous improvement, adaptation and development of doctrines and strategies is
emphasized in order to ensure the successful implementation of future operations in an urban
environment. |