Title Modeliranje transportnog procesa
Title (english) Modeling of transport processes
Author Valentina Bartulović
Mentor Goran Đukić (mentor)
Mentor Jadranko Tuta (komentor)
Committee member Tatjana Gazivoda Kraljević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Đukić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jadranko Tuta (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb (Croatian Defence Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman") Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Security and Defense Science
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Abstract Tema ovog diplomskog rada je Modeliranje transportnog procesa, s posebnim naglaskom na
modeliranje transportnog procesa unutar Satnije za transport. Rad je strukturiran u četiri glavna
poglavlja: Osnove vojne logistike i funkcija prometne logistike, Organizacija i struktura
Transportne satnije, Modeliranje i optimizacija, te Modeliranje transportnog procesa unutar
Satnije za transport.
Prva dva poglavlja pružaju informacije o povijesti logistike, s naglaskom na vojnu logistiku, te
opisuju način rada, podjele i organizacijsku strukturu vojne logistike. Treći dio rada uvodi u
područje modeliranja i optimizacije, pružajući osnovne koncepte i postupke vezane uz modele te
naglašavajući važnost optimizacije transportnog procesa.
Posljednje i najvažnije poglavlje predstavlja srž diplomskog rada, gdje se detaljnije analiziraju
odabrane rute unutar Satnije za transport. U ovom dijelu rada istražuju se alternativna rješenja
temeljena na činjenicama s ciljem optimizacije transportnih ruta. Na kraju, prezentira se konačno
rješenje optimizacije transportnog procesa unutar Satnije za transport.
Ovaj diplomski rad posebno ističe praktičnu primjenu modeliranja transportnog procesa unutar
vojne organizacije. Naglasak je stavljen na primjenu rezultata istraživanja kako bi se poboljšala
učinkovitost Satnije za transport i postigao optimalan transportni proces.
Abstract (english) The subject of research in this master's thesis is Modeling the transport process, with a particular
emphasis on modeling the transport process within the Transport Company. The thesis is
structured into four main chapters: Fundamentals of military logistics and the function of
transportation logistics, Organization and structure of the Transport Company, Modeling and
optimization, and Modeling of the transport process within the Transport Company.
The first two chapters provide information on the history of logistics, with a focus on military
logistics, and describe the operational methods, divisions, and organizational structure of
military logistics. The third part of the thesis introduces the field of modeling and optimization,
presenting basic concepts and procedures related to models, and emphasizing the importance of
optimizing the transport proces.
The final and most important chapter represents the thesis's core, where the Transport Company's
selected routes are analyzed in more detail. This section explores alternative solutions based on
factual evidence to optimize transportation routes. Finally, the thesis presents the ultimate
solution for optimizing the transport process within the Transport Company.
This master's thesis highlights the practical application of modeling the transport process within
a military organization. The emphasis is placed on the implementation of research results to
improve the efficiency of the Transport Company and achieve an optimal transport process.
transportni problem
vojno skladišni kompleks
Keywords (english)
transport problem
military storage complex
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:249:158822
Study programme Title: Military Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: MAGISTAR/MAGISTRA INŽENJER/INŽENJERKA VOJNOG INŽENJERSTVA (MAGISTAR/MAGISTRA INŽENJER/INŽENJERKA VOJNOG INŽENJERSTVA)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-01-19 11:38:53