Title (english) Health issues associated with operating a computer
Author Andreja Jandrašec
Mentor Oliver Hip (mentor)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dorotea Milas (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-05-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Organization and Informatics
Abstract U radu se obrađuje problematika vezana za zdravstvene probleme pri radu s računalom. Rad definira najprije osnovni koncept takvih zdravstvenih problema, te ih razrađuje i obrađuje njihove uzroke, vrste, prevenciju, ali i pravni okvir. Nakon uvoda, obrađuju se zdravstveni problemi pri radu s računalom, tj. uzroci istih, ali i psihofiziološke smetnje, vidne smetnje, te statodinamičke smetnje. Nakon toga, u istom se poglavlju govori i o prevenciji problema u radu s računalom, te se naglašava i problem ovisnosti o računalu, prvenstveno Internetu i računalnim igricama. U ovom se poglavlju također opisuje i pravni okvir sigurnosti u radu na računalu. U radu se također, na temelju istraživanja dostupne literature formira i hipotetički model zaštite na radu s računalom u turističkoj agenciji kako bi se prikazala opravdanost strategije za zaštitu zdravlja pri obavljanju takvih poslova. Tako se u trećem poglavlju najprije opisuju sigurnosni uvjeti u radu s računalom u toj agenciji, a nakon toga se pozornost posvećuje različitim aspektima sigurnosti kao što je sigurnost zaslona, sigurnost tipkovnice, sigurnost radne okoline, te sigurnost ostalih aspekata. U ovom se poglavlju pozornost također posvećuje i programskoj opremi koju ova agencija koristi kako bi osigurala svoje zaposlenike u radu na računalu. Pod tim se posebno misli na sustav za rezervacije što je zapravo i jedna od glavnih djelatnosti spomenute tvrtke i jedan od temelja njezina poslovanja. Dalje u nastavku se opisuje i softvare koji se koristi u sustavu antivirusne zaštite što je također vrlo bitno za poslovanje same tvrtke. Na kraju rada se daju najvažniji zaključci kojima se zapravo i odgovara na istraživačko pitanje postavljeno u uvodu
Abstract (english) This paper discusses the concepts related to health problems that appear when working on computer. The paper first defines the basic concept of those health problems and then elaborates these problems and discusses their causes, types, prevention, and also the legal framework. After the introduction, the paper discuss the health problems in working with computer or, in other words, the causes of the same, but also psyscofisiological disturbances, optical disturbances, and statodynamic disturbances. After that, the same chapter discuss also the prevention of the problems that concerns working with computer, and also is emphasized the problem of computer addiction, primarily Internet and computer games. This chapter also discusses the legal frame of safety in working with computer. In this paper also, based on the research of available literature, is formed hypothetical model of protection on work with computer in travel agency to justify the strategy for health protection in doing that kind of work. So, the third chapter first discusses the safety conditions in working with computer in that agency, and after that the attention is paid to the different aspects of safety like the safety of monitor, the safety of keyboard, the safety of working environment, and the safety of the other aspects. This chapter also pays attention on program equipment that this agency uses to ensure its employees in working with computer. This especially means the reservation system that is actually one of the principal aspects of this company's business and one of the bases of it's business. Further is also described the software used in antivirus protection what is also very important in the company's business. At the end of the paper there are the most important conclusions that actually respond to the research question given in the introduction
zdravstveni problemi
rad s računalom
psihofiziološke smetnje
vidne smetnje
statodinamičke smetnje
Keywords (english)
health problems
work with computer
psychophysiological problems
eyesight problems
statodynamic problems
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:067594
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-05-07 15:51:38