Support for research data in DABAR

A support for storing and selfarchiving of datasets has been implemented in the Croatian national infrastructure for digital repositories - DABAR.

The new digital object dataset is primarily intended for storing, preserving and dissemination of research data - data created or collected with the purpose of achieving original scientific results.

The support for datasets is implemented in accordance with the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable): each dataset is described with appropriate metadata, assigned a permanent identifier (URN:NBN) and is made available through repository search interface, metadata are exposed to other services such as OpenAIRE portal or Google Scholar, usage rights must be defined… However, to make a dataset really reusable, it must be prepared and documented according to the standards of the respective research field (domain standards).

The support for storage of dataset enables fulfilment of obligation to openly publish research data generated within projects funded by European Commission.

The DABAR's Reseach data Working Group defined the metadata description of the dataset by combining properties defined in DataCite Metadata Schema 4.1 and the local needs of repositories in Croatia.

An example of a stored dataset RegCM4 Climate Change Adaptation Simulations, its descriptive metadata and supporting documents is available in Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia Repository.



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