Five years ago, DABAR was put into production. During that period, 142 digital repositories were established in DABAR and 127,716 objects were published.
Due to the implementation of the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education, DABAR supported the long-term preservation of final theses and doctoral dissertations. Due to the continuous development now it is possible to store different type of objects, e.g. journals and anthologies, books and book chapters, presentations, images, audio and audio-visual materials, FAIR datasets, educational materials and other types of documents that do not belong to any of the offered categories, such as reports, project proposals, studies, etc. DABAR has thus become a solution for comprehensive care of research, professional and educational production of institutions in digital form.
A number of institutions and individuals from the academic and research community are involved in the development of DABAR through the activities of the Coordination Committee and working groups. The SRCE team built the software part of DABAR using the Islandora platform, which includes the Drupal content management system, the Fedora repository platform, and the Solr indexing and search system.
In DABAR, 45.4% of objects are currently stored in open access. Through publication in open access, institutions support the principles of open science and open education, increase the transparency of their work and the visibility of their results, and accelerate the science application in the economy.