Sažetak | Poriluk (Allium ampeloprasum L. ssp. porrum) biljka je iz porodice Alliaceae. Jedno je
od povrća koje se u svijetu najviše uzgaja. Ima važno mjesto među povrćem zbog svojih
blagodati za ljudsko zdravlje. Sve veći problem s kojim se susreću potrošači postaje
neinformiranost o nutritivnom sastavu voća i povrća. Makroelementi su u ljudskom organizmu
potrebni u većoj količini od mikroelemenata stoga je važno da potrošači budu informirani o
njihovom sastavu u hrani koju konzumiraju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi količinu
makroelemenata u poriluku koji se nudi na tržištu grada Zagreba. Uzorkovanje je provedeno
na 9 prodajnih mjesta u gradu Zagrebu: 3 tržnice, 3 trgovačka lanca i 3 trgovine ekološkim
proizvodima. Prosječni uzorci su osušeni na 105 °C, nakon čega su usitnjeni i homogenizirani.
Dušik je određen metodom po Kjeldahl-u, a nakon digestije s koncentriranom HNO3 i HClO4 u
mikrovalnoj peći fosfor je određen spektrofotometrijom, kalij plamenfotometrijom, a kalcij i
magnezij atomskom apsorpcijskom spektrometrijom Suha tvar (ST) u poriluku kretala se od
8,38 do 9,97 %. Utvrđena količina makroelemenata u suhoj tvari poriluka iznosila je 2,32-3,07
% N ST, 0,35-0,41 % P ST, 2,76-3,75 % K ST, 0,40-0,44 % Ca ST te 0,12-0,17 % Mg ST, dok su u
svježoj tvari vrijednosti iznosile 272,67-386,67 mg N/100 g svježe tvari, 40,33-51,33 mg P/100
g svježe tvari, 320,67-474,33 mg K/100 g svježe tvari, 46,67-56,00 mg Ca/100 g svježe tvari, te
14,33-17,67 mg Mg/100 g svježe tvari. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Leek (Allium ampeloprasum L. ssp. porrum) is a plant of the Alliaceae family. It is one
of the most grown vegetables in the world. It has an important place amongst vegetables
because of its benefits for human health. A growing problem faced by consumers is the lack
of information about the nutritional composition of fruits and vegetables. Macronutrients are
needed in the human body in larger quantities than micronutrients, so it is important that
consumers be informed about their composition in the food they consume. The aim of this
study was to determine the amount of macronutrients in leeks offered on the Zagreb market.
Sampling was conducted across nine purchase point in the city of Zagreb, including three
markets, three retail chains and three organic products shops. The average samples were
dried at 105 °C, then ground and homogenized. Nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl
method, and after digestion with concentrated HNO3 and HClO4 in a microwave oven,
phosphorus was determined by spectrophotometry, potassium by flame photometry, and
calcium and magnesium by atomic absorption spectrometry. Dry matter (DM) in leek ranged
from 8.38 to 9.97 %. The determined content of macroelements in the dry matter of leeks
ranged 2.32-3.07 % N DM, 0.35-0.41 % P DM, 2.76-3.75 % K DM, 0.40-0.44 % Ca DM and 0.12-
0.17 % Mg DM, while in fresh matter the values ranged 272.67-386.67 mg N/100 g fresh
matter, 40.33-51.33 mg P/100 g fresh matter, 320.67-474.33 mg K/100 g fresh matter, 46.67-
56.00 mg Ca/100 g fresh matter and 14.33-17.67 mg Mg/100 g fresh matter. |