Sažetak | Tlo je prirodni ekosustav u ravnoteži koji omogućava život brojnim životinjskim i biljnim vrstama, a antropogeni utjecaj uzrokuje promjene fizikalnih i kemijskih značajki tla u korist povećanja plodnosti tla. U okviru gospodarenja poljoprivrednim zemljištem kalcifikacija, zajedno s gnojidbom i obradom tla, zauzima ključno mjesto u promjeni svojstava tla u korist poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Kalcifikacija mjenja pH tla, gnojidba povećava opskrbljenost hranivima, a obrada tla, posebno u smjeru niz padinu, intenzivira eroziju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj načina korištenja zemljišta i nagiba na kemijska svojstva i
teksturu pseudogleja. Istraživanje je provedeno u Svetom Ivanu Zelini na pseudogleju obronačnom pod povrtlarskom proizvodnjom i napuštenom poljoprivrednom zemljištu, nagiba 5 do 10%. Uzorci su prikupljani sondom po pedogenetskim horizontima na gornjim i donjim polovicama padina oranice i livade, a ukupno je uzeto 15 uzoraka do dubine od 110
cm. U uzorcima je određen mehanički sastav (HRN ISO 11277, 2004) pH (HRN ISO 10390:2005), količina humusa (metoda po Tjurinu JDPZ, 1966.), karakter humusa (metoda s 2%-tnim NH4OH, Škorić, 1982), hidrolitski acidet i parametri adsorpcijskog kompleksa tla (metoda po Kappenu, JDPZ, 1966), te fiziološki aktivni K2O i P2O5 (AL – metoda JDPZ, 1966.) Rezultati pokazuju da je tekstura u svim horizontima praškasto ilovasta, osim u matičnim supstratima u kojima je praškasto glinasto ilovasta. Reakcija tla je kisela u svim uzorcima (pH-KCl=3,57-5,25; pH-H2O=5,2-6,67). Sadržaj humusa je mali i varira u rasponu 1,09-2,72%, a karakter mu je blago kiseli u većini uzoraka. Prema hidrolitskom aciditetu (7,25-15,25 mmolekv.H+/100g tla) svim uzorcima su potrebne niske doze materijala za kalcifikaciju. Zasićenost adsorpcijskog kompleksa je niska i kreće se od 13,48 do 32,41%, a opskrbljenost fiziološki aktivnim hranjivima niska je do osrednja, fosfora ima od 0,66 do 16,57 mg P2O5/100g tla i kalija od 8,4 do 29,5 mg K2O/100g tla. Iz rezultata se može zaključiti da način korištenja utječe na pH tla, količinu humusa i opskrbljenost hranivima, a nagib terena ima utjecaj samo na teksturu i količinu fiziološki aktivnog kalija. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Soil is a natural ecosystem in balance that makes life possible for numerous animal and plant species, and human activities causes changes in physical and chemical properties of soil in favor of increasing soil fertility. Within management of agricultural land, calcification along with fertilization and tillage, is a crucial part in the changes of soil properties in favor of agricultural production. Calcification changes soil pH, fertilization increases nutrient supplies and tillage, especially in direction of slope, intensifies erosion. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of land use and slope on chemical properties and texture of pseudogley. The research was conducted in Sveti Ivan Zelina on stagnic luvisols of arable land under vegetable production and abandoned agricultural land, on the slope among 5 to 10 %. Soil samples were collected by pedogenetic horizons in the upper and lower halves of the arable land and meadow slopes, and a total of 15 samples were taken to a depth of 110 cm. In the samples were determined mechanical composition (HRN ISO 11277, 2004) pH (HRN ISO 10390:2005), humus content (method by Tjurin JDPZ, 1966.), humus character (method with
2% NH4OH, Škorić, 1982), exchangeable acidity and parameters of adsorption complex (method by Kappen, JDPZ, 1966), and physiologically active K2O and P2O5 (AL – method JDPZ, 1966.). The results show that the texture of all horizons is silty loam, except in the parent material where is silty clay loam. Soil reaction is acidic in all samples (pH-KCl= 3.57
to 5.25, pH-H2O= 5,2- 6.67), the humus content is low, ranges from 1.09 to 2.72% and its character is mildly acidic in most samples. According to the exchangeable acidity (7.25 to 15.25 mmolekv.H+/100g soil) all samples require low-dose of liming materials. The saturation of adsorption complex is low and ranges from 13.48 to 32.41%, while the supply of
physiologically active nutrients is low to medium with 0.66 to 16.57 mg P2O5 / 100g soil and 8.4 to 29.5 mg K2O / 100g soil. From the results it can be concluded that land use affects soil pH, humus content and nutrient supplies, while the slope has influence only on the texture and nutrient supplies. |