Sažetak | Grah mahunar (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) je jednogodišnja povrtna kultura. Biljke osim biogenih elemenata, mogu akumulirati teške metale i potencijalno onečišćujuće elemente, što može uzrokovati brojne negativne posljedice u biljnom organizmu, a konzumacija takvih biljaka može negativno utjecati na zdravlje ljudi. Cilj ovog rada je odrediti status teških metala i potencijalno onečišćujućih elemenata u plodu graha mahunara na tržištu grada Zagreba te usporediti dobivene rezultate s maksimalnom dopuštenom količinom teških metala i potencijalno onečišćujućih elemenata u povrću. Uzorci su prikupljeni 17.10.2022. u tri trgovačka lanca, tri trgovine ekološkim proizvodima te na tri tržnice u gradu Zagrebu. Nakon digestije koncentriranom HNO3 i HClO4 u mikrovalnoj peći, količina teških metala i potencijalno onečišćujućih elemenata (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Mo, Co, Hg i As) u uzorcima utvrđena je na atomskom apsorpcijskom spektrometru. Suha tvar (ST) uzoraka ploda graha mahunara varirala je između 6,65 i 12,62%. Utvrđene prosječne količine teških metala i potencijalno onečišćujućih elemenata kretale su se u sljedećim rasponima: kadmij 0,019-0,025 mg Cd/kg ST i 0,0017 -0,0024mg Cd/kg svježe tvari, krom 0,02-0,25 mg Cr/kg ST i 0,001-0,025 mg Cr/kg svježe tvari, bakar 7,75-8,74 mg Cu/kg ST i 0,73-0,82 mg Cu/kg svježe tvari, nikal 2,48-4,87 mg Ni/kg ST i 0,24-0,36 mg Ni/kg svježe tvari, olovo 0,61-0,82 mg Pb/kg ST i 0,05- 0,09 mg Pb/kg svježe tvari, cink 27,30-41,02 mg Zn/kg ST i 2,53-3,80 mg Zn/kg svježe tvari, molibden 1,45-3,18 mg Mo/kg ST i 0,12-0,34 mg Mo/kg svježe tvari te kobalt 0,21-0,28 mg Co/kg ST i 0,020-0,024 mg Co/kg svježe tvari. Najveće količine bakra, nikla, kadmija i kobalta utvrđene su u uzorcima iz trgovačkih lanaca, cinka i kroma u uzorcima iz trgovina ekološkim proizvodima, a najveće količine olova i molibdena u uzorcima s tržnica i niti u jednom uzorku nisu prelazile najviše dopuštene količine. |
Sažetak (engleski) | French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an annual vegetable crop. Plants, in addition to biogenic elements, can accumulate heavy metals and potentially toxic elements, which can have numerous negative consequences for the plant organism, and consumption of such plants can negatively affect human health. The goal of this paper is to determine the status of heavy metals and potentially toxic elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Mo, Co, Hg and As) in French bean in the markets of the city of Zagreb and compare obtained results with the maximum allowable concentration of heavy metals and potentially toxic elements in vegetables. Samples were collected on October 17, 2022, in three retail chains, three stores with organic products and three markets. After digestion with concentrated HNO3 and HClO4 in a microwave oven, the content of heavy metals and potentially toxic elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Mo, Co, Hg and As) in the samples was determined by an atomic absorption spectrometer. The dry weight (DW) of the French bean varied from 6.65 to 12.62%. The determined average amounts of heavy metals and potentially toxic elements were in the following ranges: cadmium 0.019-0.25 mg Cd/kg DW and 0.0017-0,0024 mg Cd/kg fresh weight, chromium 0.02-0.25 mg Cr/kg DW and 0.001-0.025 mg Cr/kg fresh weight, copper 7.75-8.74 mg Cu/kg DW and 0.73-0.82 mg Cu/kg fresh weight , nickel 2.48-4.87 mg Ni/kg DW and 0.24-0.36 mg Ni/kg fresh weight, lead 0.61-0.82 mg Pb/kg DW and 0.05- 0.09 mg Pb/kg fresh weight, zinc 27.30-41.02 mg Zn/kg DW and 2.53-3.80 mg Zn/kg fresh weight , molybdenum 1.45-3.18 mg Mo/kg DW and 0.12-0.34 mg Mo/kg fresh weight, cobalt 0.21-0.28 mg Co/kg DW and 0,020-0.024 mg Co/kg fresh weight. The highest content of copper, nickel, cadmium and cobalt were determined in samples from retail chains, zinc and chromium in samples from organic product stores, and the highest amounts of lead and molybdenum were determined in samples from the market and did not exceed the maximum allowable concentration in any sample. |