Sažetak | Kuna bjelica (Martes foina) prema sistematici pripada redu zvijeri, porodici kune. Rasprostranjena je u gotovo cijeloj Republici Hrvatskoj, a njezino ponašanje i aktivnost u mediteranskom podneblju ostaje još nedovoljno istraženo područje. Za potrebe ovog rada uporabom senzornih kamera bilježena je aktivnost kune bjelice u mediteranskom staništu na Dugom otoku, u državnom otvorenom lovištu XIII/4 „Dugi otok“. Kamere su fotografirale u razdoblju od dvanaest mjeseci, od 10. ožujka 2022. do 28. ožujka 2023. godine te su kune fotografirane ukupno četiristo i šesnaest puta. Kune bjelice su tijekom cijelog istraživanja bile aktivne noću te je dnevna aktivnost zabilježena samo u pet navrata. U proljetnom su razdoblju koristile 31 % ± 4 % dana za aktivnost te je vrhunac aktivnosti dosegnut oko 20:00. U ljetnom su razdoblju koristile 35 % ± 3 % dana za aktivnost te je vrhunac aktivnosti dosegnut oko 24:00. U jesenskom su razdoblju koristile 29 % ± 4 % dana za aktivnost te je vrhunac bio poslije 19:00. Aktivnost je bila smanjena u razdoblju od 00:00 do 06:00. Tijekom zimskog razdoblja kune su bile aktivne noću, ali su prije postajale aktivne, već oko 16:00. Za aktivnost su koristile 48 % ± 5 % dana te je vrhunac aktivnosti dosegnut oko 04:00. Frekvencija fotografiranja kune bjelice u ovom je razdoblju bila manja, kao i u jesenskom razdoblju. Aktivnost kune na ovom lokalitetu pokazala je da se ne razlikuje mnogo od drugih pripadnika te vrste koji obitavaju u kopnenim staništima. Istraživanjem je dokazano da je njihova aktivnost nokturalna, ali s više vrhunaca aktivnosti nego kod kontinentalnih jedinki. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Stone marten (Martes foina), according to systematics, belongs to the order of beasts, the marten family. It is widespread in almost the entire Republic of Croatia, its behavior and activity in the Mediterranean habitat remains an under-researched sphere. In this thesis, through the use of sensor cameras, the activity of stone marten was recorded in the Mediterranean habitat on Dugi Otok, in the state open hunting ground XIII/4 "Dugi Otok". The cameras took photographs over twelve months, from March 10, 2022., to March 28, 2023., and the martens were photographed a total of four hundred and sixteen times. The martens were active at night throughout the entire research, and their daytime activity was recorded only on 5 occasions. In the spring period, they used 31% ± 4% of the days for activity, and the peak of activity was reached around 20:00. In the summer period, they used 35% ± 3% of the day for activity, and the peak of activity was reached around 24:00. In the autumn period, they used 29% ± 4% of the day for activity, and the peak was after 19:00. Activity was reduced in the period from 00:00 to 06:00 in the morning. During the winter period, minks were active at night, but became active earlier, already around 16:00. They used 48% ± 5% of the day for activity, and the peak of activity was reached around 04:00. The frequency of photographing white marten in this period was lower, as well as in the autumn period. The activity of the stone marten in this location showed that it does not differ greatly from other members of this species that live in terrestrial habitats. |