Sažetak | Igra je važan dio odrastanja konja. Kroz igru mladi konji razvijaju tjelesne, psihičke i društvene karakteristike i postavljaju temelje za budući rad. Najviše se manifestira kod ždrebadi i mladih konja koji u igri provode većinu vremena. Na pojavu igre kod konja djeluju čimbenici poput spola, okoline i genetike. U prvim tjednima života ždrebadi igra se uglavnom bazira na odnosu s majkom i kao individualna igra (ždrijebe se igra samo bez drugih vršnjaka) da bi odrastanjem igra uključi-vala interakcije s vršnjacima i poprima obilježja društvene igre. Obzirom na tipove ponašanja igre u kojima sudjeluju konji općenito, a posebno ždrebad i mladi konji, mogu se razvrstati u nekoliko glavnih skupina: igre s objektima, lokomotorno-razvojne igre, igre kojima se simulira borba i igre s komponentom seksualnosti. Neki od najviše prisutnih oblika igre kod konja su: međusobno gri-ckanje (timarenje) po vratu, prsima i leđima, trčanje (kratak i intenzivan galop), utrkivanje s dru-gim konjima, propinjanje na stražnje noge, ritanje, hrvanje i drugo. U igru mogu biti uključeni i različiti predmeti poput lopti, krpa, drva, vrećica, kutija, igračaka i slično za što je potrebno odre-đeno vrijeme da se konj privikne na njih (desenzitizira). Razni oblici igre i njene višestruke funk-cije važna su komponenta života konja koji utječu na njihovu dobrobit što je temelj svakog uzgoja i rada s konjima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Play is an important component of horse breeding. Through play, young horses develop physical, mental and social characteristics and lay the basis for later working ability. This is most evident in foals and young horses, which spend most of their time in play. Factors such as gender, environ-ment and genetics influence the appearance of play in horses. In the first weeks of the foal's life, play is based primarily on the relationship with the mother and is solitary (the foal plays without other peers). As it grows, play involves interactions with peers and takes on the characteristics of social play. Looking at the types of play behavior in horses in general and in foals and young horses in particular, they can be divided into several main groups: play with objects, locomotor play, fighting play and play sexual behavior. Some of the most common forms of horse play are: grooming of neck, chest and back, running (short and intense gallop), racing with other horses, rearing, kicking, wrestling and others. Various objects such as balls, cloths, wood, bags, boxes, toys, etc. can be included in the play, although the horse needs some time to get used to them (desensitization). The various forms of play and their multiple functions are an important part of the horse's life, which affects the horse's well-being and is the basis for all breeding and work with horses. |