Sažetak | Svrha ovog istraživanja prepoznavanje je skrivenog kurikuluma u nastavi likovne kulture. Istraživanje proizlazi iz problema uočenog u našem školstvu, a to je statični, rigidni, službeni, objavljeni Nastavni plan i program i skriveni kurikulum koji ima izrazito snažne prikrivene ciljeve odgoja i obrazovanja. Skriveni kurikulum često se naziva nepisani, implicitni, alternativni, neregistrirani ili parakurikulum. Objašnjava se kao neformalan sustav škole, tj. implicitni (neizrečeni) zahtjevi škole koje učenik treba ispuniti. Školska socijalizacija, osim o tzv. službenom programu, ovisi i o onim vrednotama koje ne trebaju uvijek biti artikulirane u zadacima nastave i učenja. To je primjerice, učiteljev stil poučavanja i učenja, učiteljeve neverbalne poruke, komentari, izbor zadataka, interpretacije koje učitelj bolje vrednuje, međuljudski odnosi u učiteljskom zboru, način upravljanja školom te različiti čimbenici koji utječu na razredno ozračje. Učiteljevo postupanje i ponašanje ishod je njegove implicitne filozofije koja je također nevidljiv dio rada i školske kulture. Učenik često nema skoro nikakvu kontrolu ili utjecaj na ono što uči ili kako uči. Da bi formalno bio uspješan, učenik se pokorava pravilima autoritarnog nastavnog režima. Problematiku vrijedi istražiti s ciljem razotkrivanja stavki skrivenog kurikuluma prvenstveno u svrhu mijenjanja, to jest poboljšanja obrazovnog sustava koje na kraju stvara bolje društvo. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja ukazati na probleme u obrazovanju, utjecaje skrivenog kurikuluma na kvalitetu obrazovanja kao i društvenih normi, poretka, propagande i pravila. Korisnost istraživanja je u razotkrivanju stavki skrivenog kurikuluma te u razotkrivanju razmišljanja i mentalnog sklopa učenika zbog utjecaja sadašnjeg obrazovnog sustava. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purpose of this research is to recognize a hidden curriculum in teaching visual art. The research stems from the problems encountered in our education, a static, rigid, official, published curriculum, and a hidden curriculum that has extremely strong concealed goals of education and education. A hidden curriculum is often referred to as an unwritten, implicit, alternative, unregistered, or pre-curriculum. It is explained as an informal system of schools, ie the implicit (unadjusted) demands of the school that the pupil has to fulfill. School socialization, except for the so-called official program also depends on those values that do not always have to be articulated in the teaching and learning tasks. This is for example the teacher's teaching and learning style, teacher's nonverbal messages, comments, assignment assignments, interpretations that the teacher best values, interpersonal relationships in the tutorial, school management mode, and various factors that influence the classroom atmosphere. Teacher's treatment and behavior is the outcome of his implicit philosophy, which is also an invisible part of work and school culture. A student often has almost no control or influence on what he or she teaches or how to learn. To be formally successful, the student obeys the rules of the authoritarian teaching regime. The problem is worth investigating to expose the hidden curriculum items primarily for the purpose of changing, that is, the improvement of the educational system that eventually creates a better society. Therefore, the aim of this research is to point to problems in education, the impact of a hidden curriculum on the quality of education as well as social norms, order, propaganda and rules. The usefulness of this research is in revealing the items of the hidden curriculum and in revealing the thinking and the mental structure of the student due to the influence of the current educational system. |