Sažetak | Ovaj diplomski rad obuhvaća konzervatorsko-restauratorske radove na dekorativnoj zidnoj slici nepoznatog autora, datacije i naziva koji se nalazi u upravnoj zgradi Šećerane u Rijeci. Ova palača izgrađena je 1752. godine te je kroz svoju povijest zadržala barokne karakteristike. Uvrštena je u popis zaštićenih kulturnih dobara od 1970. godine. To je trokatna jednokrilna zgrada masivnog dvoosnog pročelja. Interijerom palače dominiraju oslici koji se ističu svojim obimom i raznolikošću prikazanih motiva.
Hrvatski restauratorski zavod je 2003. započeo opsežna povijesna, arhivska i konzervatorsko-restauratorska istraživanja arhitektonskih elemenata, štuko dekoracije, zidnih slika i dekorativnog oslika prostorija, inventara te ispitivanja fizičkog stanja i statike zgrade. U sklopu projekta obnove 2019. g. radovima u organizaciji Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda se pridružio Odsjek za konzerviranje i restauriranje umjetnina. Rezultat te suradnje je i ovaj diplomski rad koji obuhvaća konzervatorsko-restauratorske radove na zidnom osliku na sjevernom zidu u sobi 208 koji je do početka radova bio prekriven slojevima naknadnih naliča. Pretpostavlja se da zidni oslici u tom dijelu drugog kata datiraju s početka 19. stoljeća.
Oslik u sobi 208 predstavlja pojednostavljeni dekorativni prikaz motiva zastora u kombinaciji s arhitektonskim elementima. Slika je bila značajnije oštećena u sloju nosioca na donjem, lijevom bočnom dijelu te gornjem dijelu ispod zidne profilacije te je bilo nužno rekonstruirati nedostajući dio slike kako bi se poboljšala čitljivost likovnog prikaza i postigla cjelovitost slikanog prizora. Cilj radova bio je prezentacija najbolje očuvanog sloja-dekorativnog zidnog oslika kojim je nekoć čitava prostorija bila oslikana. Na zidnom osliku izvršeni su svi potrebni konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi: čišćenje, injektiranje, reintegracija oštećenja u sloju žbuke, retuš i rekonstrukcija te istraživanja oslika susjednih zidova koja su prethodila konzervatorsko-restauratorskim radovima. Uz pregled povijesti objekta bivše šećerane i opis konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova, u ovom radu obrađeni su i neki povijesni primjeri prikaza zastora na zidnim slikama.
Konzerviranje i restauriranje ovog zidnog oslika samo je manji dio neophodnih radova na zgradi bivše šećerane sa ciljem da joj se u što većoj mjeri vrati izvorni izgled i zaustavi daljnje propadanje. Osim problematike očuvanja zidnih oslika koji se tiču estetskih i kulturnih vrijednosti palače bivše Šećerane, projektom obnove cilj je ponovno vratiti utilitarnost cijelog kompleksa koji će svojom prenamjenom postati novo kulturno žarište grada Rijeke i time biti na usluzi svim građanima i posjetiteljima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This master thesis includes conservation and restoration works undertaken on decorative wall painting painted by unknown author, and also, unknown dating and name. The wall painting itself is located in the main building of former sugar refinery in Rijeka. Since 1970, the baroque palace of sugar refinery is listed as protected cultural heritage. It is a single winged three-storey building with a vast biaxial façade. The palace interior is dominated by a large imperial staircase which is one of the most famous in the region.
Throughout its history it has retained the characteristics of baroque palace, and the Croatian Restoration Institute began in 2003 an extensive historical, archival research, conservational and restorarative research of architectural elements, stucco decoration, wall paintings and decorative room paintings, inventory and examination of physical condition and statics of the building. As a part of the renovation project in 2019, the Department of the Conservation and Restoration of Arts joined the works organized by Croatian Restoration Institute. In 2019 the project organized by the Croatian Restoration Institute was joined by the Department of the Conservation and Restoration of Arts and this thesis represents one of the fruits of their joint labor. It features conservation and restoration works performed on the wall painting on the north wall in room 208, on the second floor, the most representative and best preserved part of the palace. The wall paintings in that part of the palace’s second floor presumably date from the beginning of the 19th century.
The painting in room 208 is a simplified illusionistic depiction of a curtain motif combined with architectural elements. The painting was damaged in the carrier layer on the lower, left side and the upper part below the plaster cornice, and it was necessary to reconstruct it in order to improve readability of the visual representation and achieve the integrity of painted scene.
All required conservational and restorative works were performed, including cleaning, grout injection, reintegration, reconstruction and stratigraphical investigation of adjacent walls that preceded the very conservation and restoration steps. In addition with historical overview of the former sugar refinery and depiction of conservation-restoration works this paper deals also with historical examples of curtains on wall paintings. It needs to be remarked, however, that conservation and restoration represents but a small part of the necessary proceedings on the building of the former sugar refinery with the aim of restoring it to its original appearance as much as possible and prevent its further deterioration.
Apart from the issue of preserving wall paintings concerning aesthetic and cultural values of the former factory, the goal of the renovation project is to restore the function and previous state of the whole complex, which, with its conversion and adaptation, has the potential to become the new cultural center of the city of Rijeka and thus be at the service to all its citizens and visitors. |