Sažetak | Dramska predstava Ljubavi Georga Washingtona izvedena u prostoru Akademije za znanost i umjetnost u Osijeku diplomski je ispit studentice Petre Kraljev. U ovoj predstavi sudjeluje još i
kolegica Petra Dugandžić, a ona je nastala pod mentorstvom doc. art. Jasmina Novljakovića i
sumentorstvom Katice Šubarić. U ovom diplomskom radu studentica Petra Kraljev opisuje proces
kreiranja uloge te analizira sve segmente rada na predstavi. U početku pisanog rada nekoliko
rečenica posvetila je samom autoru teksta Miru Gavranu, te kako je došla do ideje da se bavi baš
njime, te zbog čega joj je zanimljiva ljubavna tematika. Nadalje opisuje fabulu te prelazi na pitanje
koncepta i njezine ideje kako bih voljela uprizoriti ovaj komad. Pitanje vizualnog identiteta,
scenskog prostora, kostima i rekvizita opisuje kao jedno od sredstava koja pomažu u kreiranju
uloge. Obrađuje pitanje pristupa predstavi iz pozicije glumca koji počinje iščitavanjem teksta,
traženjem glavne radnje, te određivanjem glavnih karakteristika svoga lika. Nakon utvrđivanja
potrebnih činjenica počinje se polako graditi uloga koristeći pritom vanjska i unutarnja sredstva.
Mašta, emocionalno pamćenje i drugi alati neizostavni su u glumčevoj kreaciji uloge, te na njih se
glumac uvijek oslanja te njima koristi. Na kraju iznosi zaključak koliko joj je ovaj stvaralački
proces obogatio te da glumačko stvaranje i kreiranje nikada ne prestaje. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Drama play “George Washington’s loves”, performed in the Academy of Arts and Culture Osijek, is
the graduation exam of the student Petra Kraljev. Colleague Petra Dugandžić also participates in
this play, and it was created under mentorship of assistent professor Jasmin Novljaković and comentorship
of assistent profesor Katica Šubarić. In this graduation thesis, student Petra Kraljev
describes the process of creating a role and analyses all segments of work on the play. In the
beginning of the written work, she dedicates several sentences to the author of the text, Miro
Gavran, why she chose specifically his opus and why she found a romantic theme interesting.
Furthermore, she describes the plot and turns to the issue of concept and her idea of staging this
piece. She describes the visual identity, the scene, costumes and props as means that help creating
the role. She processes approaching the play from actors’ position, who start by reading the text,
searching the main plot and determining the main features of their character. Once the necessary
facts are established, the role is being slowly built, using external and internal means. Imagination,
emotional memory and other tools are indispensable in actor’s creation of the role, and the actor
always relies and uses them. In the end, she concludes how much this creative process has enriched her and that actor’s
creation never ceases. |