Sažetak | Inovacija je poboljšanje i primjena novih ideja, postupaka, dobra i procesa koja donosi nove kvalitetu ili korist u primjeni. Inovacije možemo opisati kao poboljšanja u području: organizacije rada, inovacije usluga, marketinga i drugo.
U uvjetima konkurencije i tržišta tvrtke koje stagniraju i ne inoviraju, a stagnaciju možemo nazvati uvodom u odumiranje. U širem smislu riječi, inovacija je svaki zahvat kojim se smanjuju inputi, tj. administracije i troškovi proizvodnje, povećava se produktivnost ili iskorištenje opreme ili vremena, poboljšava kvaliteta proizvoda ili usluga, povećava sigurnost, smanjuje škart, unaprjeđuje plasman i dr., odnosno svake mjere koje vode ka porastu konkurentnosti.
Osobito je važna uloga inovacija u poduzetništvu, pa se definira kao trajno nastojanje da se traženjem inovacija i njihovom komercijalizacijom zbog ostvarenja profita.
Sukladno navedenim definicijama, inovacije kao pojam obuhvaćaju organizacijske, poslovne, administrativne i druge vrste inovacija, od sitnih korisnih ideja do krupnih zahvata reorganizacije ili izmjena poslovne politike.
Jedna od vrsta inovacija su tehnološke inovacije, od korisnog inovativnog prijedloga, preko tehničkih unapređenja do novih izuma, koji svom vlasniku mogu osigurati bitnu konkurentsku prednost, tj. time postižu monopol. U razvijenim gospodarstvima, inovacijama i inovatorima posvećuje se posebna pažnja, a inventivnost visoko kotira na ljestvici sustava vrijednosti. Najvrjednijim resursom tvrtki ne smatraju se materijalna dobra poput zgrada, pogona nego znanje, iskustvo i inventivnost sadržana u industrijskoj tradiciji nacije i kvalitetnom kadru.
Iz dana u dan svijet postaje sve više svjestan inovacija i tehnologije, uz veliki doprinos koji daju proizvodne snage, uz ubrzanje ekonomskog i društvenog svijeta dolazi do opasnosti za postanak čovječanstva. Unatoč tome nitko ne odustaje od utrke , jer svi žele biti prvi u otkriću i razvoju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The role of innovation is increasing today, especially in achieving competitive advantage in an increasingly dynamic market. We have witnessed that there have been major changes in the global economy in recent decades. This was mainly due to the dissemination and distribution of information in all aspects of society. Knowledge and creations create innovation and are the basis for competitive advantage. The practical application of innovation encourages the development of economic activity.
It is because of the great importance of information that we say we live in an information or knowledge society. It is a society that is embracing new innovations on a daily basis, and innovation has been one of the most important topics in the European Union in recent years. Innovation is given a lot of attention because innovations are not new products but are also new ways of managing, contributing to the development of the company but also to the companies more profit, as well as survival in the market. Innovation is linked to competitiveness. Competitiveness, and by that we mean the competitiveness of companies is their competition and we could say that innovation is what sets one company apart from another. The mutual competitiveness of the company also encourages innovation, which is reflected in the development of new technologies, products, or simply different ways of management and guidance already mentioned. Adoption of innovation has far-reaching consequences not only on enterprises but also on the entire economy of a country, because of the benefits of all entities in the economy. The great correlation between competitiveness and innovation is also the largest in the sector where innovation is mostly generated, in the highhigh-tech IT industry. An example of this is the constant "clashes" of the big tech companies Samsung and Apple, where even the smallest innovation can be seen in a competitive race. Knowledge and ideas are not enough by themselves because it is important to put them into action. One of the important factors in productivity growth is human capital and its significant. Investing in knowledge results in the creation of innovative products and processes, which means that investing in knowledge is profitable in the long run. Investing in knowledge increases investments that are the path to economic growth and increased competitiveness. This leads to multiple uses of knowledge in know how at less cost. It is not enough to invest in knowledge if that knowledge does not return the invested funds. |