Sažetak | Električna se vozila tijekom posljednjih desetak godina u javnosti predstavljaju kao sve veća konkurencija klasičnim proizvođačima benzinskih i dizelskih automobila. Zakonska regulativa teži u što bližoj budućnosti znatno smanjiti broj proizvedenih i prodanih klasičnih automobila. Istovremeno, u medijima se intenzivno promovira njihova kupnja putem sufinanciranja dijela troškova njihove nabave. Zastupanje elektrifikacije u posljednjih nekoliko godina sve je češće i u hrvatskom medijskom prostoru. U radu se najprije definira teorijski okvir teme, odnosno čitatelju se približavaju osnovni koncepti električnih vozila i njihov razvoj, a zatim se objašnjavaju njihove prednosti i nedostaci u odnosu na klasične automobile. Nadalje, naglasak je stavljen na položaj električnih vozila u strategiji održivoga razvoja Republike Hrvatske kroz posljednjih nekoliko godina. Najveći dio rada posvećen je analizi sadržaja u hrvatskim medijima s ciljem prepoznavanja osnovnih argumenata zagovaratelja, odnosno protivnika trenda elektrifikacije u Republici Hrvatskoj. U konačnici, korištenjem definiranoga teorijskoga okvira i problematike predmetne teme, odnosno uz pomoć analiziranoga medijskoga sadržaja donijet je vrijednosni sud o percepciji električnih vozila u hrvatskom medijskom prostoru |
Sažetak (engleski) | Ecology, green policy, environmental protection and sustainability are just some of the terms that most people come across almost every day, and at the same time they represent a series of measures and procedures that try to preserve the balance in the ecosystem. Reducing the emission of carbon gases is one of the measures that is often promoted as one of the most important tasks in achieving the aforementioned goal. As one of the ways to make this measure work in the intended volume, limiting and then banning the production of internal combustion engines, which are the basis of almost every means of transport, is imposed. As an alternative, cars with an electric motor that do not produce harmful emissions are offered gases, thus significantly reducing the harmful impact on the environment. However, modern society is not always ready for drastic changes in their lives, which is why the authorities decided to motivate them additionally by means of co-financing the purchase of these vehicles and comprehensive propaganda about the advantages of purchasing electric vehicles. Co-financing of the purchase of electric vehicles or, as we can see in the public space, more energy-efficient vehicles takes place within the Protection Fund environment, and through a public call, substantial grants can be obtained for purchase of ecological vehicles. When we connect this fact with the promotion of electric vehicles as a smart choice for the environment, which in addition to reducing the harmful effects on our climate and air quality, it also has greater efficiency than gasoline or diesel powered cars because they consume less energy and reliability, then it becomes clear to us that it is a question of strong propaganda that is being tried encourage as many people as possible to change. In the world, as well as in the Croatian media, there are lively discussions about this topic between proponents and opponents of the purchase of electric vehicles, and it is important to state arguments from both sides to get a final picture of the public's views on electric vehicles. |