Sažetak | U radu će se nastojati razložiti važnost etike u praksi upravljanja u realnom sektoru u segnentu špedicije. Špedicija je vezana za pojam trgovine u ekonomiji, etički je posrijedi koncept komutativnosti ili razmjene, odnosno. distribucije. Tako da se pitanju upravljanja u špediciji prilazi iz perspektive koncepta pravednosti (Platon i Aristotel). Tako će se razmatrati pojmovi: etika i poslovna etika; moral i etički principi u poslovanju na primjeru špedicije. Poseban fokus bit će na etici u radnim odnosima, ljudskim pravima. odnosima između menadžera i zaposlenika te načinima unapređenja etičke klime. Nadalje, obradit će se menadžment kao važan čimbenik implementacije poslovne etike u poslovanju te pojam i važnost menadžmenta, ali i menadžerska etika kao dio poslovne etike. Obrađivat će se i mjere i programi koje se koriste u organizaciji (špediciji) kao što su vođenje pomoću primjera i etički kodeks. Na primjeru provedene ankete izvest će se zaključci o utjecaju etike na poslovanje koz prizmu zaposlenika i menadžera, njihovih stavova, samoprocjne i svjesnosli vlastitih etičkih principa. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The paper wili seek to elucidate the imporlance of ethics in the practice of management in the real sector, spccifically within the lield of freight fomarding. Freight forwarding is related to the concept of tradc in economics, and ethically, it involves the concept of commutativity or exchange. i.e., distribution.Therefore, the issue of management in freight forwarding is approached from the perspective oI the concept of justice (Plato and Aristotle). The paper will consider concepts such as ethics and business ethics, morality. and ethical principles in business using the example of freight forwarding. Special focus will be placed on ethics in employment relalionships, human rights, relationship between managers and employees, and ways to improve the ethical climate. Furhermore, the pape will address managemenl as an important factor in implementing business ethics in operations, as well as the concept and significance of management, and managerial ethics as part of business ethics. Measures and programs used in organizations (such as freight forwarding), such as leadership by example and ethical codes, will also be discussed. Using thc example of a conducted survey, conclusions will be drawn regarding the impact of ethics on operations through the perspective of employees and managers, including their attitudes, self-assessment, and awareness of their ethical principles. |