Sažetak | Svjedoci smo da je u svijetu, pa tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj, gotovo nezaustavljiv trend zdravog načina života. Svakodnevno smo izloženi “bombardiranju“ preko medija o „preporučenim proizvodima, koji nam poboljšavaju zdravlje a time i život“. S druge strane Ministarstvo zdravstva Republike Hrvatske preko svojih edukacija, stalno istiće činjenicu, da je domaće stanovništvo pretilo i da spada po tome u sam vrh Europskih zemalja, te da je što hitnije, potrebno promijeniti način prehrane uz veću konzumaciju voća i povrća, naročito kod djece predškolske i školske dobi. Potrebno je naglasiti, da domaća proizvodnja voća (osim mandarina), ne zadovoljava potrebe domaćeg tržišta. Činjenica je da voće ima ograničen vijek trajanja za svježu konzumaciju, dijelom zbog oštećenja, a i zbog premalog kapaciteta hladnjaća, a domaća industrija prerade voća u današnje vrijeme, nije u stanju zadovoljiti potrebe i želje sve većeg broja, sve zahtjevnijih potrošaća. Samim time nameće se ideja o pokretanju malih obiteljskih gospodarstava za preradu voća, uz što manju upotrebu kemijskih dodataka, te uz vlastiti uzgoj, proizvoditi što zdravije voćne prerađevine. Ovaj Diplomski rad, razrađuje ideju o pokretanju jednog takvog OPG-a za preradu voća. Da bi se usvojila ispravna odluka o pokretanju (ili mogućem odustajanju), projekta provodi se analiza okruženja u kojem bi takav OPG poslovao. Pri tome se naročita pozornost pridaje analizi konkurencije, ciljanoj skupini kupaca i mogućim dobavljačima. Uz neophodnu financijsku analizu, uzimajući u obzir sve raspoložive resurse, odabire se strategija i taktika kako ostvariti zadane ciljeve. U nastavku rada obrađuju se mogući rizici i njihov utjecaj na realizaciju projekta. Kroz ekonomske pokazatelje prisnažuje se odluka o pokretanju proizvodnje prerade voća, odnosno daje se projekcija dobiti i gubitka, kao i period povratka uloženog novca. |
Sažetak (engleski) | We are witnessing that in the world, including in the Republic of Croatia, there is an almost unstoppable trend towards a healthy lifestyle. Almost every day we are exposed to "bombardment" through the media about "recommended products that improve our health and thus our lives". On the other hand, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia, through its educational programs, constantly emphasizes the fact that the local population is obese and that it belongs to the very top of European countries, and that it is necessary to change the way of eating with greater consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially in children of preschool and school age. It should be emphasized that domestic fruit production (except mandarins) does not meet the needs of the domestic market. The fact is that fruit has a limited shelf life for fresh consumption, partly due to damage and also due to the insufficient capacity of refrigerators, and the domestic fruit processing industry nowadays is not able to satisfy the needs and wishes of an increasing number of increasingly demanding consumers. This alone gives rise to the idea of starting small family farms for fruit processing, with as little use of chemical additives as possible, and with own cultivation, to produce as healthy fruit products as possible. This Diploma thesis elaborates the idea of starting one such OPG for fruit processing. In order to adopt the correct decision on starting (or possibly abandoning) the project, an analysis of the environment in which such an OPG would operate is carried out. In doing so, special attention is paid to the analysis of the competition, the target group of customers and possible suppliers. With the necessary financial analysis, taking into account all available resources, strategy and tactics are chosen to achieve the set goals. In the continuation of the work, possible risks and their influence on the implementation of the project are discussed. Through economic indicators, the decision to start the production of fruit processing is strengthened, that is, the projection of profit and loss is given, as well as the period of return of the invested money. |