Sažetak | Javne službe su one službe koje povećavaju kvalitetu života svojih građana. Prema suvremenom europskom modelu podjele javnih službi, Hrvatska gorska služba spašavanja spada u neekonomsku službu od općeg interesa. HGSS je neprofitna javna služba potrage i spašavanja na kopnu i moru, a djeluje i kao preventivna služba koja educira građane pri odlascima u planine, na jezera i more, u špilje, na skijanje, pa i pri letenju različitim letjelicama. Porastom standarda, građani sve više odlaze na nepristupačna mjesta, te je potreba za spašavanjem u stalnom porastu. HGSS je ustrojen 1950., a od 2006. je zahvaljujući Zakonu o Hrvatskoj gorskoj službi spašavanja (NN 79/2006) još više institucionaliziran i povezan s javnim (državnim i gradskim) službama. Prostor za napredak ipak postoji što je pokazano u empirijskom dijelu istraživanja. Ispitanik u prvom intervjuu je pokazao kako je veza HGSS-a i ostalih ministarstava zadovoljavajuća, no da je HGSS zasebna organizacija koja samostalno odlučuje o većini stvari. No u drugom je intervjuu koji je dao pročelnik Službe M. Rakovac pokazano kako se ta suradnja mora uskladiti u pitanjima helikopterskih vježbi, nabavke suvremenijih vozila, transparentnijeg financiranja i na kraju podrške onim volonterima kojima nisu uređena obvezna osiguranja tijekom akcija spašavanja i vježbi. Ipak, u usporedbi sa sličnim organizacijama, HGSS je bila i ostala vodeća služba potrage i spašavanja kako u Republici Hrvatskoj, tako i u ovom dijelu Mediterana. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Public services are those services that increase the quality of life of their citizens. According to the modern European model of the division of public services, the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service belongs to the non-economic service of general interest. CMRS is a non-profit public search and rescue service on land and sea, and it also acts as a preventive service that educates citizens when going to mountains, lakes and seas, caves, skiing, and even when flying in different aircraft. With the increase in standards, citizens are increasingly going to inaccessible places, and the need for rescue is constantly increasing. CMRS was established in 1950, and since 2006, thanks to the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service Act (Official Gazette 79/2006), it has been even more institutionalized and connected to public (state and city) services. However, there is still room for improvement, as shown in the empirical part of the research. The respondent in the first interview showed that the relationship between CMRS and other ministries is satisfactory, but that CMRS is a separate organization that decides on most matters independently. However, in another interview given by the head of the Service, M. Rakovac, it was shown that this cooperation must be coordinated in matters of helicopter exercises, procurement of more modern vehicles, more transparent financing and, finally, support for those volunteers who do not have mandatory insurance during rescue operations and exercises. Nevertheless, compared to similar organizations, CMRS was and remains the leading search and rescue service both in the Republic of Croatia and in this part of the Mediterranean. |