Sažetak | Tema ovoga završnog rada je planiranje i pokretanje poslovnog pothvata. Kao što sam naslov govori, on prati dugotrajan proces kroz koji poduzetnik prolazi od ideje do planiranja te ostvarivanja poslovnog pothvata. Kroz rad će se najčešće spominjati riječ poduzetnik te je radi toga u samom početku rada objašnjeno što znače riječi poduzetnik i poduzetništvo, te tko je zapravo poduzetnik. Nakon toga definira se i pobliže objašnjava poduzetnički proces, odnosno proces rada na novom poslovnom pothvatu. On se sastoji od više faza, možemo jednostavno reći da je to faza generiranja ideja, faza prepoznavanja i procjene poslovnih prilika i faza razvoja poslovnog plana te menadžment poduzeća. Faze idu kronološki jedna iza druge pa se ne gledaju zasebno već kao cjelina koja će dovest do ostvarenja poslovnog cilja. Prva faza je faza generiranja ideja gdje na raspolaganju poduzetniku stoje razne metode kao što su brainstorming, brainwriting, delfi metoda i sjednica ideja koje su pojašnjene u tekstu. Nakon procesa stvaranja ideje poduzetnik mora proučiti je li određena ideja zaista može biti dobra i ostvariva poslovna prilika. Postoji više faktora, ali generalno smo svrstali uočavanje prilika u 3 kategorije a to su: promatranje trendova, rješavanje problema i pronalaženje nedostataka na tržištu. Nakon sto je poduzetnik uočio prilike, on provodi analizu prilika gdje prikuplja što više informacija koje će mu pomoći na daljnjem putu. On mora definirati svoje tržište, većinu tržišta, željene potrošače te izvršit analizu sebe i svoga tima kako bi posao bio uspješan. Nakon što se poduzetnik odlučio za ideju, nju treba pročistiti i razviti, a taj proces se sastoji od 5 stadija: stadij ideje, stadij koncepta, stadij razvoja proizvoda, stadij probnog marketinga i stadij komercijalizacije. Nakon toga slijedi poslovni plan koji je najbitniji poduzetniku u početnom stadiju. On odgovara na pitanja gdje je poduzetnik kamo ide i kako će tamo stići. Pomoću njega razni ulagači će dobiti uvid u bit i srž poslovne ideje, te kako će se ona ostvariti, stoga je on ključni dio u pokretanju novog poslovnog pothvata. Sastoji se od više kompleksnih dijelova kao što su analiza industrije, opisa pothvata, operativni plan, proizvodni plan, financijski plan, marketinški plan, organizacijski plan, procjena rizika i ostalo. Ključni dio u procesu izrade plana je prikupljanje relevantnih informacija iz različitih izvora kako bi pomoću njih napravili najbolji mogući poslovni plan. Rad nas vodi u smjeru uočavanja važnosti dobre ideje i još boljeg planiranja u svrhu ostvarivanja profita u konačnici. Proces planiranja koji je u zadnje vrijeme zanemaren od strane poduzetnika, a stvara odličan preduvjet za uspjeh svakog poduzetnika. Iako ništa ne može garantirati poduzetniku uspjeh i profit, pa tako ni odlično provedena faza planiranja, zaključak je da je upravo taj proces ključan u uspjehu današnjeg poduzetnika te ga treba dobro provesti, okupiti ljude koji su kompetentni i sposobni, provesti planiranje i ideju dovesti do realizacije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The name of this works topic is planning and starting a new business venture. As the name, itself says this work follows the time-consuming journey of entrepreneur from ideas to planning and starting a new business venture. The word that is most commonly used is entrepreneur and therefore the meaning of the word entrepreneur and entrepreneurship as well as who is really an entrepreneur is explained at the very beginning of the work. After that follows the more detailed definition of the entrepreneurial process or to be more precise the actual process of working on the new business venture. The process consists of several phases and those are: the phase in which the entrepreneur is generating his ideas, the phase of recognition and assessment of the business opportunities, phase of developing business plan and the phase of the company's management. The phases follow each other in chronological order. These phases are not looked at individually because they make a whole which will take the entrepreneur to the fulfillment of his business objective. In the first phase of generating ideas entrepreneur can use all kinds of methods like brainstorming, brain writing, Delphi method and other all of them are explained in the work bellow, after the process of generating ideas entrepreneur must fully study his ideas to see if certain idea could be a good and realizable business opportunity. Although there are many ways to recognize the opportunities we narrowed it down to three categories which are: watching the trends, resolving issues and finding disadvantages on the market. After the opportunities are recognized the entrepreneur analyzes them, and collects all the possible information which will help him on his journey. He should define his market, the size of the market, preferred consumers and he has to evaluate himself and his team. When the entrepreneur makes up his mind about the idea for the new business venture he has to purify and develop the idea in following 5 stages: idea stage, conceptual stage, stage of developing the product, stage of trial marketing and stage of commercialization. The next step and possibly the most important one at the beginning of business for every entrepreneur is making a business plan. It answers the crucial questions: where is entrepreneur currently standing, where is he going and how will he get there? Thanks to the business plan possible investors will get insight to the real essence of the business idea and ways that will bring the entrepreneur to the realization of the idea so we say that the business plan is a key to successful opening of a new business venture. It consists several complex parts such as industry analysis, description of the business venture, operating, manufacturing, financial, organization, marketing plan, risk evaluation and many more. Key part in making of any business plan is gathering all the information that could be relevant in their business from all different sources so they can make the best possible business plan. The text leads us to revelation of the importance of a good business idea and even better business planning in every entrepreneur’s goal which is profit. Process of planning nowadays is neglected from the entrepreneurs’ side but is the best precondition for every successful entrepreneur. Also, nothing can one hundred percent guarantee success and profit to entrepreneur, not even a well conducted phase of planning, the conclusion is that this very phase is the crucial step of becoming a successful entrepreneur nowadays. Because of the importance of this step it is fundamental that this step is well conducted, and to gather people that are competent and capable to lead a new business idea to her final realization. |