Sažetak | Vino se kroz povijest razvijalo i sve više je imalo utjecaj na čovječanstvo na način da je utjecalo
na društveni i ekonomski život ljudi. Vino je poljoprivredno prehrambeni proizvod nastao
djelomičnim ili potpunim vrenjem masulja ili mošta svježeg grožđa plemenite vinove loze.
„Vina se u užem smislu razvrstavaju u mirna, pjenušava, biser i gazirana, a specijalna vina u
desertna, aromatizirana i likerska. Po boji se navedena vina razvrstavaju na bijela, ružičasta (koja
mogu nositi još i oznaku rose i opolo) i crna, koja se mogu označavati i kao crvena. Mirna se
vina, na temelju udjela neprevreloga šećera, razvrstavaju u suha, polusuha, poluslatka i slatka, a
pjenušava, biser i gazirana vina u vrlo suha, suha, polusuha, poluslatka i slatka"
( Suvremeno tržišta vina je tržište snažnih marki koje se identificiraju s
kakvoćom proizvoda. Marka vina trebala bi biti individualna, ali je to teško postići na domaćem
a pogotovo na svjetskom tržištu, te se zbog toga moraju zaštiti. Područje Republike Hrvatske
dijeli se u četiri vinogradarske regije: Slavonija I hrvatsko Podunavlje, Hrvatska Istra I Kvarner,
Dalmacija I Središnja bregovita Hrvatska. Kroz ovaj rad upoznat ćemo vinogradarske regije
kontinentalne Hrvatske: Slavoniju I Podunavlje. Cilj završnog rada je predstaviti i opisati
proizvodnju i potrošače vina kroz proizvođače vina u Republici Hrvatskoj s naglaskom na
Požeško-slavonsku županiju, prikazati i opisati vino kao proizvod, marku i kvalitetu te na
primjeru Požeško-slavonske županije predstaviti i opisati proizvedene količine, koje su
najzastupljenije sorte, koliko ima gospodarskih subjekata koji isporučuju vina kao gotov
proizvod te koliki značaj ima vinogradarstvo za Slavoniju i samu RH. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Wine has evolved throughout history and has increasingly influenced humanity in a way that has
affected the social and economic life of humans. Wine is an alcoholic beverage produced by the
partial or complete fermentation of the butter or must of fresh grapes of a noble vine. "The wines
are in the narrow sense classified into still, sparkling, pearl and aerated, and specialty wines into
dessert, flavored and liqueur. By color, these wines are categorized as white, pink (which may
also be labeled rose and opolo) and black, which may also be referred to as red. Still wines are
classified into dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet, and sparkling, pearl and aerated wines into
very dry, dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet "(, based on the proportion of
unboiled sugar. The modem wine market is a market for strong brands that identify with product
quality. The brand of wine should be lively, but it is difficult to achieve it in the domestic and
especially in the world market, and therefore they must be protected. The territory of the
Republic of Croatia is divided into four winegrowing regions: Slavonia and the Croatian Danube
region, Croatia Istria and Kvamer, Dalmatia and Centra! Croatia. Through this work we will pass
through the wine-growing regions of continental Croatia: Slavonia and the Danube region. The
aim of the final paper is to present and describe the production and consumers of wine through
wine producers in the Republic of Croatia with an emphasis on Požega County, to present and
describe wine as a product, brand and quality, and to present and describe the quantities
produced, which are the most represented varieties, on the example of Požega County, how
many economic operators supply wines as a finished product and how important viticulture is for
Slavonia and the Republic of Croatia. |