Sažetak | U središtu interesa ovog završnog rada nalazi se unutarnje tržište Europske unije i temelji na
kojima ono počiva, a to su osnovne slobode kretanja roba, ljudi, usluga i kapitala. Uspostava
unutarnjeg tržišta zasnovanog na četiri osnovne slobode kretanja postavljen je kao jedan od
glavnih ciljeva Europske ekonomske zajednice prethodnice današnje Europske unije, već davne
1957. godine, potpisom Rimskih ugovora. Unutarnje tržište predstavlja projekt koji je u
mnogočemu znatno poboljšao život Europljana. S aspekta potrošača omogućilo je veći izbor
dobara i usluga po nižim cijenama, aktiviralo je konkurenciju u svim gospodarskim granama,
poboljšalo osobnu sigurnost kroz bolju suradnju pravosuđa i policije i sl.. Povrh svega ono je
oformilo fond ideja i talenata koji čini neiscrpni izvor za pronalaženje rješenja za ekonomske i
socijalne probleme. Razvitkom ovog tržišta potaknut je i rast globalnih europskih korporacija
koje velika sredstva ulažu u istraživanja, razvitak poljoprivrede, industrije, medicine i ostalog.
Uz sve boljitke koje je unutarnje tržište donijelo građanima i dalje postoje određeni problemi
koji se prvenstveno očituju u nemogućnosti definiranja jasne granice unutarnjeg tržišta, te
stalnom usavršavanju propisa, zakonodavstava, a sve kako bi se slobode koje tržište
pretpostavlja, mogle ostvariti u punom smislu te riječi. Stvaranje unutarnjeg tržišta imalo je i
vrlo važan psihološki učinak na građane Europske unije. Ekonomije i tržišta su nekada bila
definirana prema nacionalnim granicama, te je svako putovanje radi kupovine predstavljalo
određeni stresni događaj popraćen carinskim kontrolama i neizvjesnim ishodom. Uspostavom
ovog tržišta nisu nestale nacionalne i kulturne razlike stanovnika država članica, ali je
integracija pospješila češća putovanja, aktivnije prelaženje granica, te upoznavanje s
proizvodima, navikama i mentalitetima ljudi svih država članica Europske unije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The core of the interest of this final paper is the internal market of the European Union and its
foundations, which are the basic freedoms of movement - goods, people, services and capital.
The establishment of an internal market based on the four fundamental freedoms of movement
was set as one of the main goals of the European Economic Community, the forerunner of
today's European Union, back in 1957., with the signing of the Rome Treaties. The European
Internal Market is a project that has greatly improved the lives of Europeans in many ways.
From the aspect of consumers, it has enabled a greater choice of goods and services at lower
prices, boosted competition in all economic sectors, improving personal security through better
judicial and police co-operation and similary. Above all, it has created a fund of ideas and
talents that makes an inexhaustible source for finding solutions to economic and social
problems. The development of this market has also led to the growth of global European
corporations that invest heavily in research, development of agriculture, industry, medicine and
the like. In addition to all the improvements that the market has brought to its citizens, there are
still certain problems which are primarily manifested in the inability to define the clear
boundaries of the internal market, and the constant improvement of regulations, legislation and
everything that the market is supposed to achieve in the full sense of the word. The creation of
the internal market also had a very important psychological impact on the citizens of the
European Union. Economies and markets were once defined by national boundaries, and every
trip to shopping was a certain stressful event accompanied by customs controls and uncertain
outcome. By establishing this market, national and cultural differences between the inhabitants
of a member state have not disappeared, but integration has intensified more frequent travel,
more active crossing of borders, and getting acquainted with the products, habits and mentalities
of people of all EU member states. |