Sažetak | Cilj ovog završnog rada je detaljno obraditi selektivne oblike turizma i utvrditi značaj
marketinga u turizmu. S obzirom na sve veću prisutnost tehnologije koja je uznapredovala,
informacije u pogledu bilo kojeg oblika selektivnog turizma se šire ubrzano, a proporcionalno
tome i želja za putovanjem postaje sve veća. Turistička ponuda se svakim danom mijenja jer se
javljaju novi oblici turizma, nove destinacije i nove zanimljivosti. Turisti sa druge strane postaju
sve zahtjevniji u planiranju putovanja, ali samim time i različitiji. U radu će se obraditi
instrumenti marketing miksa koji su značajni za turizam i marketinški pristupi za određene
oblike selektivnog turizma. U praktičnom dijelu rada će se obraditi Općina Erdut kao primjer
kako marketinški aspekti utječu na selektivne oblike turizma u okolini. Mjesto Erdut skriva
mnoge prekrasne znamenitosti, koje nažalost još uvijek nisu dovoljno dobro prezentirane kroz
turističke zajednice. Erdut kao glavnu atrakciju ima poučnu stazu, koja se još naziva
stepenicama zdravlja, također se tu nalazi prekrasna stražarska kula sa koje se pruža intiman
pogled na rijeku Dunav. Radi se o mirnom i spokojnom mjestu koje se prvi put spominjalo oko
petnaestog stoljeća. Prepun je predaja koje se protežu još iz davnina i svakako je poželjna
atrakcija za domaće, ali i inozemne turiste koji se nađu ili koji žele podsjetiti neki dio Hrvatske
koji je malo manje zastupljen od Jadranskog mora i njegove obale. Na kuli se tokom godine
manifestiraju brojni manifestacije, pa tako i obilježavanje obljetnice Oluje, natjecanje u
kulinarstvu, razni sajmovi i drugo. Govorit će se o najrazvijenijim oblicima turizma kao što su
vinski, ruralni i vjerski, te o mogućnostima poboljšanja i daljnjeg razvoja turizma u budućnosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this final thesis is to elaborate in detail selective forms of tourism and to determine
the importance of marketing in tourism. Given the ever-increasing presence of advanced
technology, information regarding any forms of selective tourism is rapidly spreading, and
proportionally, the desire to travel is increasing. The tourist offer is changing every day, as new
forms of tourism, new destinations and new points of interest appear. Tourists, on the other
hand, are becoming more and more demanding in their travel planning, but at the same time
more diverse. The paper will deal with marketing mix instruments that are significant for
tourism and marketing approaches for certain forms of selective tourism. In the practical part
of the work, the Municipality of Erdut will be treated as an example of how marketing aspects
affect selective forms of tourism in the surrounding area. The town of Erdut hides many
beautiful sights, which unfortunately are still not well presented through tourist boards. As the
main attraction, Erdut has an educational path, which is also called the stairs of health, there is
also a beautiful watchtower from which there is an intimate view of the Danube river. It is a
peaceful and tranquil place that was first mentioned around the fifteenth century. It is full of
traditions that date back to ancient times and is certainly a desirable attraction for domestic and
foreign tourists who find themselves or who want to be reminded of a part of Croatia that is a
little less represented than the Adriatic Sea and its coast. The tower hosts numerous events
throughout the year, including the commemoration of the anniversary of the Storm, a culinary
competition, various fairs and more. They will talk about the most developed forms of tourism
such as wine, rural and religious tourism, as well as the possibilities of improving and further
developing tourism in the future. |