Sažetak | Cilj ovog rada bilo je analizirati visoko obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj, te ga usporediti s ostalim članicama Europske unije, U tu svrhu proučavalo se kretanje osnovnih pokazatelja visokog obrazovanja i to: (1) broj studenata upisanih u visoko obrazovanje, (2) udio stanovništva koji je visokoobrazovan, (3) javno ulaganje u visoko obrazovanje kao postotak BDP-a, (4) stopa zaposlenosti visoko obrazovanih, te (5) dohodak visoko obrazovanih. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako postoji trend rasta studenata upisanih u visoko obrazovanje, te da je rast relativno veći u odnosu na onaj zabilježen na razini Unije. Također, broj upisanih u javna visoka učilišta značajno je veći u odnosu na broj studenata upisanih u privatna visoka učilišta, kako u Europskoj uniji, tako i u Hrvatskoj. Međutim, prisutan je trend rasta broja studenata upisanih u privatna visoka učilišta i u EU i u RH. Visokoobrazovani udio stanovništva ima trend rasta, ali je manji je od prosjeka EU-a u svim godinama, te je evidentno pogoršanje u odnosu na ostale članice. Javno ulaganje u visoko obrazovanje ima konstantan udio u BDP-u, koji je veći od prosjeka EU-a, te se Hrvatska općenito nalazi među onim članicama koje veći dio BDP-a odvajaju na ulaganje u visoko obrazovanje u odnosu na ostale članice. Javno ulaganje po studentu, u eurima, značajno se razlikuje između članica, te bilježi rast kod većine zemalja članica Europske unije. Što se tiče pokazatelja tržišta rada, provedeno istraživanje pokazalo je kako je stopa zaposlenosti visokoobrazovanih velika i rastuća, značajno veća od stope osoba s nižim razinama obrazovanja, te, iako niža od prosjeka EU-a, bilježi poboljšanje u odnosu na ostale članice. Konačno, dohodak visokoobrazovanih, iako značajno veći od dohotka osoba s nižim razinama obrazovanja, ima trend pada, te je na značajno nižim razinama od prosjeka EU-a. Isto vrijedi i za dohodak ostalih razina obrazovanja, što u Hrvatskoj dovodi do problema iseljavanja ljudi svih razina obrazovanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this paper was to analyze higher education in Croatia and compare it with other members of the European Union. For this purpose, the dynamics of basic indicators of higher education was studied, including: (1) The number of students enrolled in higher education, (2) share of population with higher education, (3) public investment in higher education as a percentage of GDP, (4) employment rates of population with higher education, and (5) their income. The results showed that there is an increase of students enrolled in higher education, and that growth is relatively higher compared to that recorded at the EU level. A highly educated proportion of the population has a growth trend but is smaller than the EU average in all years. Also, the number of students enrolled in public institutions of higher education is significantly greater than of the number of students enrolled in private institutions of higher education, both in the European Union and in Croatia. However, there is a trend of growth of the number of students enrolled in private institutions in the EU and the Republic of Croatia. Public investment in higher education is a constant proportion of GDP in the observed period and is higher than the EU average. Croatia is generally among those members that invest a higher share of GDP in higher education compared to other members. Public investment per student, in euros, differs significantly between the member states, and is increasing in most of the Member States of the European Union. As far as labour market indicators are concerned, research has shown that the employment rate of higher educated persons is high and growing, significantly higher than the rate of persons with lower education levels, and, although lower than the EU average, has improved its position in relation to the other member states. Finally, the income of the highly educated, although significantly higher than the income of persons with lower education levels, has a trend of decline, and is at significantly lower levels than the EU average. The same is true for the income of other levels of education, which in Croatia leads to the problem of emigration of people of all levels of education. |