Sažetak | Ljudi predstavljaju najbitniji resurs poduzeća Stoga je menadžment ljudskih resursa jako bitan kako bi osigurao pribavljanje kvalitetnog radnog kadra koji će poduzeću osiguravati profit. S druge strane, jako je bitno da taj radni kadar bude zadovoljan uvjetima rada. Radni kadar u poduzeću, osim što proizvodi i/ili isporučuje svoje usluge, doprinosi poduzeću na način da se kroz broj zaposlenika gleda veličina zaposlenika te na taj način omogućava moć, prestiž i na neki način referencu poduzeća na tržištu. Regrutiranje i selekcija ključni su elementi menadžmenta ljudskih resursa koji se trude pribaviti, ali naposljetku i zadržati najkvalitetniji radni kadar. U teorijskom dijelu ovog Diplomskog rada obrađuju se pojmovi menadžmenta ljudskih resursa, regrutiranja, selekcije i zadovoljstva na radu. Dakle, objašnjeni su izvori regrutiranja, metode selekcije, zadovoljstvo zaposlenika na radu te je „dotaknuta“ poveznica između zadovoljstva procesom regrutiranja i selekcije i zadovoljstva zaposlenika na radu. U empirijskom dijelu ovog Diplomskog rada analiziralo se zadovoljstvo zaposlenika procesima regrutiranja i selekcije te se pokušao utvrditi postoji li utjecaj zadovoljstva regrutiranjem i selekcijom na zadovoljstvo zaposlenika na radu. Također, ispitalo se postoji li razlika između muškaraca i žena u zadovoljstvu procesima regrutiranja i selekcije. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je na 53 zaposlenika. Dokazano je da su zaposlenici u poduzeću Typeqast zadovoljni procesima regrutiranja i selekcije. Nadalje,dokazano je kako postoji razlika između muškaraca i žena u procesu regrutiranja i da su žene zadovoljnije tim procesom. U procesu selekcije nema razlike između muškaraca i žena što se tiče zadovoljstva tim procesom. Što se tiče procesa regrutiranja, ne postoji povezanost zadovoljstva tim procesom s ukupnim zadovoljstvo na radu. Za proces selekcije se može reći da postoji povezanost s ukupnim zadovoljstvom na radu. Ovo istraživanje ukazuje na važnost procesa regrutiranja, a osobito na važnost procesa selekcije koji slijedi nakon i na zaposlenike ima jači utjecaj. Na menadžmentu ljudskih resursa je da pronađu kvalitetan radni kadar koji će biti zadovoljan već od samog procesa regrutiranja, selekcije i dalje na radu što dakako ovisi i o ovim početnim koracima, od samog početka pribavljanja kandidata. |
Sažetak (engleski) | People represent the most important resource of the company Therefore, human resources management is very important in order to ensure the acquisition of quality workforce that will ensure the company profit. On the other hand, it is very important that the workforce is satisfied with the working conditions. In addition to producing and / or delivering its services, the workforce contributes to the company through the number of employees, enabling the power, prestige and in some way the reference of the company in the market. Recruitment and selection are key elements of human resource management that seek to obtain, but ultimately retain, the highest quality workforce. The theoretical part of this Graduate work deals with the concepts of human resource management, recruitment, selection and job satisfaction. Thus, the sources of recruitment, selection methods, employee satisfaction at work are explained, the link between satisfaction with the recruitment and selection process and employee satisfaction at work was touched upon. In the empirical part of this Graduate work, employee satisfaction was analyzed by recruiting and selection processes and an attempt was made to determine whether there was an impact of recruitment and selection satisfaction on employee satisfaction at work. It also examined if there was a difference between men and women in their satisfaction with the recruitment and selection processes. This research was conducted on 53 employees. Typeqast employees have been proven to be satisfied with the recruitment and selection processes. Furthermore, it has been proven that there is a difference between men and women in the recruitment process and that women are more satisfied with the process. In the selection process, there is no difference between men and women in terms of satisfaction with this process. Regarding to the recruitment process, there is no correlation between satisfaction with this process and overall job satisfaction. The selection process is related to overall job satisfaction. This research highlights the importance of the recruiting process, and especially the importance of employee selection process. It is up to the human resources management to find a quality workforce that will be satisfied from the very recruitment process, selection and with overall work, which of course depends on these initial steps from the very beginning of recruitment. |