Sažetak | Ovaj rad imao je za cilj istražiti zadovoljstvo djelatnika hotela u izravnom kontaktu s gostima kako bi dobili odgovore na pitanja kako pratiti trendove u hotelijerstvu, kako imati što kvalitetniju uslugu i što kvalitetnije ljudske resurse koji u konačnici predstavljaju predmet hotelskih napora i strategija. Hoteli bi trebali raditi na analizi zadovoljstva zaposlenih te na temelju toga odrediti daljnje strategije jer zadovoljan radnik ima povećani nivo posvećenosti i performansi organizaciji, spremniji je uključiti se u aktivnosti koje su usmjerene ka rješavanju problema te ulaže veći napor u obavljanju posla. Stoga je u teorijskom dijelu rada obradom dosadašnjih relevantnih istraživanja ove tematike obrađen značaj i utjecaj na zadovoljstvo zaposlenika. Navedenom obradom došlo se do zaključka da zadovoljstvo zaposlenika možemo unaprijediti kroz jasnu komunikaciju, stvaranjem tima i timske atmosfere, programima obuke i usavršavanja, osnaživanjem zaposlenika, pravičnim naknadama, prilikama za razvoj itd. Za potrebe empirijskog dijela rada proveden je anketni upitnik unutar tri hotela i 55 zaposlenih. Obradom i sistematizacijom prikupljanih podataka došlo se do odgovora na istraživačka pitanja. Zaključeno je da su zaposlenici u većoj mjeri zadovoljniji samim poslom nego iznosom plaće, najviše ih motiviraju radni uvjeti/radna atmosfera, te se slažu s tvrdnjom da što su motiviraniji, to su zadovoljniji poslom te tada pružaju efikasniju i kvalitetniju uslugu. Ključ za uspješno poslovanje i održavanje visoke razine zadovoljstva je slušati potrebe zaposlenih i cijeniti njihovo mišljenje jer nam oni iz prve ruke mogu dati realnu sliku poduzeća. Veoma je važno kontinuirano provoditi takve analize unutar hotele te se o zaposlenima brinuti jednako kako se brinemo i o gostu. U donošenju zaključaka u obzir su uzeta i ograničenja provedenog istraživanja koja uključuju mali broj ispitanika, prostorno ograničeno istraživanje te subjektivnost odgovora ispitanika. Na osnovu zaključaka teorijskog dijela rada i rezultata empirijskog istraživanja formulirane su preporuke za buduće analize zadovoljstva poslom i za poslovanje hotela s ciljem brige o zaposlenima. Zaposleni u izravnom doticaju s gostima trebaju postati središte edukacijskih napora hotela, jer oni najbolje znaju što gosti žele. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This work aimed to explore the satisfaction of hotel employees in direct contact with guests to get answers to questions about how to follow trends in the hotel industry, how to have the highest quality service and the highest quality human resources that are ultimately the subject of hotel efforts and strategies. Hotels should work on employee satisfaction analysis and determine further strategies based on that, because a satisfied employee has an increased level of commitment and performance to the organization, is more willing to engage in problem-solving activities and puts more effort into doing business. Therefore, in the theoretical part of the paper, the significance and impact on employee satisfaction are processed by processing the relevant research on this topic so far. This processing concluded that employee satisfaction can be improved through clear communication, team building and team atmosphere, training and development programs, employee empowerment, fair compensation, development opportunities, etc. For the empirical part of the work, a survey questionnaire was conducted within three hotels and 55 employees. By processing and systematizing the collected data, the research questions were answered. It was concluded that employees are more satisfied with the job than the amount of salary, they are most motivated by working conditions / working atmosphere, and agree with the statement that the more motivated they are, the more satisfied they are with work and then provide more efficient and quality service. The key to successful business and maintaining a high level of satisfaction is to listen to the needs of employees and appreciate their opinion because they can give us a first-hand realistic picture of the company. It is very important to continuously conduct such analyzes within the hotel and to take care of the employees in the same way as we take care of the guest. The conclusions also take into account the limitations of the research, which include a small number of respondents, spatially limited research and the subjectivity of the respondents' answers. Based on the conclusions of the theoretical part of the paper and the results of empirical research, recommendations were formulated for future job satisfaction analyzes and for hotel operations with the aim of caring for employees. Employees in direct contact with guests should become the center of the hotel’s educational efforts, because they know best what guests want. |