Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja ovog završnog rada jest dati jasnu sliku o tome kako se pojava pandemije koronavirusa odrazila na turizam u Republici Hrvatskoj te dati uvid u trenutno stanje kretanja brojki u ovom sektoru i njegovoj mogućnosti oporavka. U ožujku 2020. u Hrvatskoj je proglašena pandemija te su u skladu s njom poduzete sve potrebne mjere za njeno suzbijanje. Ne smije se zanemariti da su stroge mjere ili blokade povezane i utječu na ekonomiju, pravo, promet, prostorno-planiranje, arhitekturu, prihvatni kapacitet, zdravstvo, poljoprivredu, kulturu, sport. Mjere socijalnog distanciranja poput zatvaranja granica, ograničenosti kretanja, mjera izolacije i samoizolacije, brojnih higijenskih mjera, zabrane okupljanja te ograničavanja rada trgovina i ugostiteljskih objekata, koje se provode od sredine ožujka, značajno su utjecale na broj dolazaka i noćenja turista. Otvaranjem granica krajem svibnja stvaraju se preduvjeti za turističku sezonu, te raste i broj turističkih dolazaka i noćenja. U razdoblju od siječnja do rujna 2020. godine zabilježeno je 62,4% i 54,1% noćenja s obzirom na isto razdoblje rekordne 2019. godine. U kolovozu je došlo do povoljnijih prilika što se tiče korone i restriktivnih mjera prema putovanjima pa je i broj posjeta bio nešto bolji. U 2021. godini, kada je određeni dio stanovništva već procijepljen te su ublažene restriktivne mjere sektor turizma bilježi određeni oporavak u odnosu na 2020. godinu. Tako je u srpnju ove godine ostvareno 47 posto više dolazaka i 33 posto više noćenja nego prethodne godine. Potpuni oporavak se zasigurno neće ostvariti odmah, već kad se stekne globalni imunitet i vrati povjerenje i podrška turističkih posjetitelja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The goal of the research of this master's thesis is to give a clear picture of how pandemic coronavirus has affected tourism in the Republic of Croatia and to provide insight into the current state of figures in this sector and its chances of recovery. In march 2020., a pandemic was declared in Croatia and in accordance with it all necessary measures were taken to reduce it. It should not be overlooked that strict measures or blockades are linked and affect the economy, law, transport, spatial planning, architecture, reception capacity, health, agriculture, culture, sports. Social distancing measures such as border closures, restrictions on movement, isolation and self-isolation measures, numerous hygiene measures, bans on gatherings and restrictions on shops and restaurants, which have been implemented since mid-March, have significantly affected the number of tourist arrivals and overnight stays. The opening of the borders at the end of May creates the preconditions for the tourist season, and the number of tourist arrivals and overnight stays is growing. In the period from January to September 2020, 62.4% and 54.1% of overnight stays were recorded compared to the same period of the record 2019. In August, there were more favorable opportunities regarding the corona and restrictive measures towards travel, so the number of visits was slightly better. In 2021, when a certain part of the population has already been vaccinated and the restrictive measures have been eased, the tourism sector is recording a certain recovery compared to 2020. Thus, in July this year, there were 47 percent more arrivals and 33 percent more overnight stays than the previous year. Full recovery will certainly not be achieved immediately, but once global immunity is gained and the trust and support of tourist visits is restored |