Sažetak | Završni rad „Analiza duhanske industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj“ za cilj ima analizirati duhansku industriju te vidjeti utjecaj COVIDA-19 na pojedine varijable.
Prvi dio rada govori o predmetu i ciljevima istraživanja, metodama i materijalima koji će pomoći u analizi te sadržaju rada.
U drugom dijelu, teorijskom, pojmovno je definirana duhanska industrija, početak duhanske industrije u Republici Hvatskoj te kakva je Hrvatska industrija duhana danas. Hrvatsko tržište duhana čine dva najveća otkupljivača, a to su Hrvatski duhani d.d. sa 80% i Agroduhan d.o.o. sa 20% tržišta duhana.
Treći dio prikazuje trošarine, iz čega se vidi da se prihodi od trošarina u 2020. smanjuju, a razlog toga je rast trošarina na cigarete i veća maloprodajna cijena cigareta, to kupce duhanskih proizvoda potiče na kupnju na crnom tržištu. Pandemija COVIDA-19 imala je negativan utjecaj i na vanjskotrgovinsku razmjenu duhana i prerađevina, te se 2020. više uvezlo duhanskih proizvoda, a saldo je nakon četiri godine opet negativan. Međutim, u području zaposlenosti i plaća ne vidi se negativan utjecaj pandemije, prosječne neto plaće u proizvodnji duhanskih proizvoda veće su 2020. u odnosu na 2019. za čak 17,3%.
Četvrti, zadnji dio analize, fokus stavlja na proizvodnju i potrošnju i tu zaključujemo da Hrvatska 2020. u odnosu na Bugarsku ima veće žetvene površine duhana, ali i prirod i proizvodnju, dok Italija u usporedbi s obe zemlje je na višoj razini u sva tri segmenta. Također, COVID-19 nije imao velik utjecaj na povećanje konzumacije duhana, ali ispitanici koji su povećali konzumaciju u pandemiji u najvećoj mjeri su to učinili zbog navike ili dosade. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The final thesis "Analysis of the tobacco industry in the Republic of Croatia" aims to analyze the tobacco industry and see the impact of COVID-19 on certain variables.
The first part of the thesis talks about the subject and objectives of the research, methods, and materials that will help in the analysis and content of the paper.
In the second, theoretical part, the tobacco industry is conceptually defined, the beginning of the tobacco industry in the Republic of Croatia, and what the Croatian tobacco industry is like today. The Croatian tobacco market consists of the two largest buyers, namely Hrvatski duhani
d.d. with 80% and Agroduhan d.o.o. with 20% of the tobacco market.
The third part shows excise taxes, from which it can be seen that revenues from excise taxes decreased in 2020, and the reason for this is the increase in excise taxes on cigarettes and the higher retail price of cigarettes, which encourages buyers of tobacco products to buy on the black market. The COVID-19 pandemic also harmed foreign trade in tobacco and processed products, and more tobacco products were imported in 2020, and the balance is negative again after four years. However, in the area of employment and wages, the negative impact of the pandemic is not visible, the average net wages in the production of tobacco products are higher in 2020 compared to 2019 by as much as 17.3%.
The fourth, last part of the analysis focuses on production and consumption, and here we conclude that in 2020, compared to Bulgaria, Croatia has larger tobacco harvest areas, but also yield and production, while Italy, compared to both countries, is at a higher level in all three segments. Also, COVID-19 did not greatly impact the increase in tobacco consumption, but respondents who increased consumption during the pandemic mostly did so out of habit or boredom. |