Sažetak | Društva za osiguranje važni su sudionici na financijskom tržištu, a njihov je zadatak pružanje ekonomske zaštite od određenih opasnosti koje mogu ugroziti imovinu i život osobe. Usluge koje pružaju društva za osiguranje su razne, a nerijetko je potrebna viša razina razumijevanja poslovanja te poznavanja proizvoda i uvjeta kako bi pojedinac odabrao proizvod osiguranja koji bi zadovoljio sve njegove potrebe. Za donošenje ispravne odluke o izboru proizvoda, nužna je informiranost i transparentnost od strane osiguravajućeg društva te određena razina financijske pismenosti i ekonomskih znanja na području osiguranja od strane pojedinca. Financijska pismenost na području osiguranja ili osigurateljna pismenost u Republici Hrvatskoj je zasad nedovoljno zastupljena tema te se pojavljuje tek djelomično u literaturi i istraživanjima o financijskoj pismenosti uz ostale financijske pojmove poput inflacije, kamatnih stopa, dionica, obveznica, štednje, kredita, investiranja u fondove i slično. Nedostatak literature na hrvatskom jeziku isključivo o definiranju, važnosti i načinu mjerenja osigurateljne pismenosti daje prostor za poboljšanje društvima za osiguranje, obrazovnim ustanovama, regulatorima i ostalim institucijama koje djeluju na tržištu. Obrazovanjem građana o sektoru osiguranja, rizicima, vrstama i proizvodima osiguranja, načinu sklapanja ugovora i daljnjim procesima tijekom pokrića, pokazala bi se važnost zaštite pojedinca od rizika te važnost razvoja djelatnosti osiguranja. Cilj diplomskog rada je prikazati razvoj osiguranja, obilježja djelatnosti osiguranja, njegove vrste i kanale distribucije te prikazati tržište osiguranja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Nadalje, cilj je također prikazati obilježja i značaj financijske pismenosti s naglaskom na područje osiguranja, provedena dosadašnja istraživanja važnih institucija te analizirati nacionalnu strategiju provođenja financijske pismenosti. Za prikaz industrije osiguranja te obilježja i značaj financijske pismenosti na području osiguranja korišteni su sekundarni izvori podataka bazirani na znanstvenim knjigama, publikacijama, člancima iz znanstvenih časopisa, zakonima, direktivama, relevantnim internetskim stranicama i bazama podataka. Primarnim podacima prikupljenima anketnim upitnikom analizirala se razina financijskog znanja, stavova i ponašanja na području osiguranja. Rezultati primarnog istraživanja obrađeni metodama deskriptivne statistike pokazali su umjerenu razinu financijske pismenosti na području osiguranja stanovnika Republike Hrvatske. U drugom dijelu istraživanja ispitivala se razina financijskog znanja na području osiguranja te 206 ispitanika odgovaralo na 11 pitanja. Od ukupno 2.266 prikupljenih odgovora, točnih je 1.425 tj. 62,89%, a netočnih 841 odgovor tj. 37,11%. Ispitanici su svjesni potrebe za proizvodima osiguranja, ali i važnosti edukacije o industriji osiguranja za koju smatraju da je nedovoljna. Nedovoljnost edukacije i upoznatosti s pojmovima osiguranja ukazuje na dovoljno prostora za napredak i dodatno obrazovanje stanovnika Republike Hrvatske suradnjom institucija koje djeluju na financijskom tržištu, javnih i obrazovnih institucija te kvalitetno pružanje informacija i educiranje ugovaratelja od strane distributera osiguranja svih kanala distribucije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Insurance companies are important participants in the financial market, and their task is to provide economic protection against certain risks that can threaten a person's property and life. The services provided by insurance companies are various, and often a higher level of understanding and knowledge of products and conditions is required in order for an individual to decide which product meets all his needs. In order to make the right decision about the choice of product, it is necessary to be informed and transparent on the part of the insurance company, as well as a certain level of financial literacy and economic knowledge in the field of insurance on the part of the individual. Financial literacy in the field of insurance or insurance literacy in the Republic of Croatia is currently an underrepresented topic and appears only partially in the literature and research on financial literacy along with other financial terms such as inflation, interest rates, stocks, bonds, savings, loans, investing in funds and similar to. The lack of literature in the Croatian language exclusively on the definition, importance and method of measuring insurance literacy gives room for improvement to insurance companies, educational institutions, regulators and other institutions operating in the market. Educating citizens about the insurance sector, risks, types and products of insurance, the way of concluding contracts and further processes during coverage, would show the importance of protecting individuals from risks and the importance of developing insurance activities. The aim of the thesis is to present the development of insurance, characteristics of the insurance industry, its types and distribution channels, and to present the insurance market in the Republic of Croatia. Furthermore, the goal is also to show the characteristics and significance of financial literacy with an emphasis on the field of insurance, the research carried out so far by important institutions, and to analyze the national strategy for the implementation of financial literacy. Secondary data sources based on scientific books, publications, articles from scientific journals, laws, directives, relevant websites and databases were used to present the insurance industry and the characteristics and significance of financial literacy in the field of insurance. The level of financial knowledge, attitudes and behavior in the field of insurance was analyzed with the primary data collected through a questionnaire. The results of the primary research processed with the methods of descriptive statistics showed a moderate level of financial literacy in the field of insurance of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia. In the second part of the research, the level of financial knowledge in the field of insurance was examined, and 206 respondents answered 11 questions. Out of a total of 2,266 answers collected, 1,425 were correct, i.e. 62.89%, and 841 were incorrect, i.e. 37.11%.
. Respondents are aware of the need for insurance products, but also of the importance of education about the insurance industry, which they believe is insufficient. The lack of education and familiarity with the terms of insurance indicates that there is enough room for progress and additional education of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia through the cooperation of institutions operating in the financial market, public, educational institutions and providing quality information to policyholders by distributors in all distribution channels. |