Sažetak | Cestovni prijevoz robe je najzastupljeniji oblik prijevoza robe unutar gradova, između gradova te međunarodno, zbog toga zauzima veliki udio u emisiji štetnih plinova koji zagađuju okoliš te u stvaranju buke. Potražnja za prijevozom robe je stalno u porastu zbog sve bolje povezanosti na globalnoj razini i porasta trgovine među zemljama, a problem održivosti se sve više ističe i pojavljuje u svim aspektima života pa tako i u cestovnom prijevozu. Održivost uključuje utjecaj na okoliš, ekonomski aspekt života te socijalni aspekt i u zadnjih nekoliko godina se posebno ističe potreba za njezinim postizanjem kako bi se poboljšala kvaliteta rada poduzeća u svim sektorima te kvaliteta života ljudi. Održivost u cestovnom prijevozu najviše uključuje utjecaj na okoliš te je potrebno smanjiti štetne emisije kako bi cestovni prijevoz postao održiviji. Količina prijevoza se ne može smanjiti kako bi se smanjila emisija štetnih plinova jer bi to imalo izrazito negativan utjecaj na globalnoj razini. Stoga se razvijaju rješenja povezana sa sredstvom obavljanja cestovnog prijevoza kojima će se smanjiti štetni utjecaj na okoliš. Trenutno najpopularnije rješenje je baterijski električni kamion koji je u ovom radu detaljno analiziran po svojim karakteristikama te je analiziran njegov utjecaj na održivost uključujući utjecaj na okoliš, ekonomske aspekte te utjecaj na ljude. Istraživanje je provedeno putem intervjua sa stručnjacima koji su sudjelovali u razvoju električnog kamiona i u njegovoj implementaciji na tržište. Kroz rad je pobliže objašnjen proces razvoja električnog kamiona, interes cestovnih prijevozničkih poduzeća za takva vozila, problem javnih punionica, domet kamiona, utjecaj na okoliš prilikom proizvodnje baterija te njihovo odlaganje u otpad. Cilj istraživanja je pokazati pozitivne i negativne strane električnog kamiona te na temelju toga usporediti njegovu isplativost naspram klasičnog kamiona kako bi se ta usporedba mogla koristiti u daljnjim istraživanjima na sličnu temu i kako bi pomogla prijevozničkim poduzećima prilikom donošenja odluke o ulaganju u električni kamion. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Road transport of goods is the most represented form of transport of goods within cities, between cities and internationally, which is why it takes a large part in the emission of harmful gases that pollute the environment and in the creation of noise. The demand for the transport of goods is constantly increasing due to better connectivity at the global level and the increase in trade between countries, and the problem of sustainability is increasingly prominent and appears in all aspects of life, including road transport. Sustainability includes the impact on the environment, the economic aspect of life and the social aspect, and in the last few years, the need to achieve it has been highlighted in order to improve the quality of work of companies in all sectors and the quality of people's lives. Sustainability in road transport mostly includes the impact on the environment and it is necessary to reduce harmful emissions in order to make road transport more sustainable. The amount of transport cannot be reduced in order to reduce the emission of harmful gases, as this would have an extremely negative impact on a global scale. Therefore, solutions related to the means of road transport are being developed, which will reduce the harmful impact on the environment. Currently, the most popular solution is the battery electric truck, which is analyzed in this paper in detail according to its characteristics and its impact on sustainability, including the impact on the environment, economic aspects and the impact on people. The research was conducted through interviews with experts who participated in the development of the electric truck and its implementation on the market. The paper explains in detail the process of developing an electric truck, the interest of road transport companies in such vehicles, the problem of public charging stations, the range of trucks, the impact on the environment during the production of batteries and their disposal. The aim of the research is to show the positive and negative sides of the electric truck and, based on this, to compare its profitability compared to a classic truck, so that this comparison can be used in further research on a similar topic and to help transport companies when making a decision on investing in an electric truck. |