Sažetak | Općepoznato je da automobilska industrija ima značajnu ulogu u globalnoj ekonomiji i da trenutno doživljava brojne promjene koje oblikuju njezinu budućnost. Automobilska industrija postoji od 19. stoljeća, a sve više stručnjaka vjeruje da je revolucija koja se trenutno događa možda i najznačajnija do sada. Predmet diplomskog rada je pregled automobilske industrije s naglaskom na najnovije trendove kao što su elektrifikacija vozila, umrežavanje i razvoj umjetne inteligencije u automobilima, razvoj autonomnih vozila, poticanje razvoja ekološki prihvatljivih vozila itd. Promatrat će se globalna slika industrije, s fokusom na glavne pokretače revolucije i paralelnim prikazom stanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Cilj rada je izraditi analizu globalne automobilske industrije s naglaskom na europsko tržište i Hrvatsku. Prvi dio diplomskog rada sadrži teorijski okvir, drugi dio sadrži analizu automobilske industrije i glavne trendove, te na kraju u zadnjem poglavlju daju se pretpostavke i posljedice razvoja automobilske industrije na globalnu ekonomiju na temelju provedene analize industrije. Metodologija koja će se koristiti za ostvarivanje predmeta i ciljeva rada uključuje analizu dostupne relevantne literature i izvora podataka, kao i kvalitativnu analizu prikupljenih podataka. Koristit će se stručna literatura na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku u obliku knjiga, stručnih članaka i publikacija relevantnih institucija poput ACEA, McKinsey&Company, Economist Intelligence, Europske komisije, te Centra za vozila Hrvatska, kao i članci relevantnih stručnih časopisa poput Automotive world, Croatiaweek, Poslovni dnevnik, Forbes itd. Temeljem provedene analize industrije, dobiveni rezultati rada ukazuju na to da automobilska industrija prolazi kroz izuzetno dinamičnu tranziciju prema električnim, umreženim, autonomnim i ekološki održivim vozilima. Na njihov razvoj utječu brojni čimbenici, a najviše zakonodavstvo, preferencije potrošača, kultura stanovništva, stupanj razvijenosti tehnologije, dostupnost infrastrukture, konkurencija te agilnost samih proizvođača automobila. Potrebno je konstantno pratiti razvoj industrije i inovacija kako bi se što sigurnije predvidjeli smjerovi kretanja pojedinog trenda. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The topic of this thesis is "Main trends in the automotive industry with reference to Croatia". It is well known that the automotive industry plays a significant role in the global economy and that it’s currently experiencing numerous changes that are shaping its future. The automotive industry has existed since the 19th century, and many experts believe that the revolution currently taking place may be the most significant one yet. The subject of the thesis is an overview of the automotive industry with an emphasis on the latest trends. The global picture of the industry will be observed, with a focus on the main drivers of the revolution and a parallel overview of the situation in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the paper is to create an analysis of the global automotive industry with an emphasis on the European market and Croatia. The first part of the thesis contains the theoretical framework, the second part contains the analysis of the automotive industry and the main trends, and finally, the last chapter provides the assumptions and consequences of development of automotive industry on global economy based on the analysis of the industry. The methodology that will be used to achieve the subject and objectives of the work includes an analysis of available relevant literature and data sources, as well as a qualitative analysis of the collected data. Professional literature in Croatian and English will be used in the form of books, professional articles and publications of relevant institutions such as ACEA, McKinsey & Company, Economist Intelligence, the European Commission, and the Croatian Vehicle Center. The aim of the thesis is to perform analysis of world automobile industry with a focus on European and Croatian market. The first part of the thesis is focused on introduction of necessary theoretical framework, the second part continues with analysis of automobile industry and its main trends, and finally in last part are given predictions and risks od development of automotive industry based on performed analysis. Based on the analysis of the industry, results indicate that the automotive industry is going through an extremely dynamic transition towards electric, networked, autonomous and environmentally sustainable vehicles. Numerous factors, such as legislation, consumer preferences, cultural attitudes, and others influence their development. It is necessary to constantly monitor industry developments and innovations to predict the directions of individual trends more securely. |