Sažetak | Posljednjih godina, fitness industrija bilježi značajan rast kako u svjetskom tako i hrvatskom kontekstu, što rezultira povećanom konkurencijom. Zbog tog ubrzanog rasta fitness industrije došlo je do značajne diferencijacije proizvoda i usluga, što je rezultiralo raznovrsnim inovacijama i pristupima u ponudi. Ovaj trend potiče konkurenciju među pružateljima fitness usluga, što rezultira povećanom raznolikošću opcija koje su dostupne korisnicima te se samim time javlja i veća potreba za praćenjem mišljenja korisnika i prilagodbom usluge prema njihovim potrebama. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je istražiti percipiranu kvalitetu, percipiranu vrijednost, to jest njene dimenzije (ekonomska, društvena, emocionalna i funkcionalna) i zadovoljstvo korisnika fitness centara na području Republike Hrvatske te međusobne odnose navedenih kategorija. Istraživanje je provedeno nad 105 punoljetnih građana Republike Hrvatske, a instrument istraživanja bio je anketni upitnik. U upitniku se pomoću Likertove ljestvice mjerio stupanj slaganja s izjavama koje su bile međusobno podijeljene po gore navedenim kategorijama. Percipirana kvaliteta ispitana je izjavama gdje su se ocjenjivale fizičke predispozicije samog objekta poput atraktivnosti, čistoće i sličnog. Društvena vrijednost ispitana je kroz izjave vezane uz utjecaj članstva fitness centra na korisnikov identitet i vrijednosti. Funkcionalna vrijednost mjerena je kroz korisnikovo mišljenje vezano uz opremu, muziku i ostale fizičke elemente fitness centra. Emocionalna vrijednost ispitana je pomoću izjava koje ocjenjuju emocionalnu korist koju fitness centar pruža poput uzbuđenja koje odlazak na trening budi u korisnicima. Ekonomska vrijednost ispitivala je monetarne aspekte usluge kao što su cijena članarine i dodatnih pogodnosti. Zatim je ispitano sveukupno zadovoljstvo korisnika fitness centra. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su sve kategorije visoko ocijenjene, dok su korisnici ipak najmanje zadovoljni cijenama u fitness centru, prostorijama unutar centra te društvenom vrijednošću koju dobivaju članstvom i korištenjem usluga. Kako bi fitness centar ostao konkurentan na tržištu koje raste mora u obzir uzeti sve navedene kategorije te unaprijediti i raditi na onima kojima su korisnici manje zadovoljni kako bi zadržali postojeće korisnike i privukli nove. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In recent years, the fitness industry has experienced significant growth both globally and in Croatia, leading to increased competition. Due to this rapid expansion of the fitness industry, there has been a notable differentiation of products and services, resulting in diverse innovations and approaches in offerings. This trend stimulates competition among fitness service providers, leading to a greater variety of options available to consumers and, consequently, an increased need to monitor customer opinions and adjust services to meet their needs.The objective of this master's thesis was to explore the perceived quality, perceived value, specifically its dimensions (economic, social, emotional, and functional), and customer satisfaction in fitness centers in the Republic of Croatia, as well as the interrelationships among these categories. The study involved 105 adult citizens of the Republic of Croatia, and the research instrument was a questionnaire. The Likert scale was used in the questionnaire to measure the degree of agreement with statements categorized as mentioned above. Perceived quality was examined through statements assessing the physical characteristics of the facility, such as attractiveness and cleanliness. Social value was explored through statements related to the impact of fitness center membership on the user's identity and values. Functional value was measured through the user's opinions regarding equipment, music, and other physical elements of the fitness center. Emotional value was assessed through statements evaluating the emotional benefits that the fitness center provides, such as the excitement generated during workouts. Economic value investigated monetary aspects of the service, such as membership fees and additional amenities. Overall customer satisfaction with the fitness center was also examined. The research results have shown that all categories are highly rated, while users are least satisfied with the prices in the fitness center, the facilities within the center, and the social value they receive through membership and service usage. The research results indicated high ratings for all categories, with users being least satisfied with the pricing and internal facilities of the fitness center. To remain competitive in a growing market, fitness centers must consider all mentioned categories and work on improving aspects that users are less satisfied with, aiming to retain existing customers and attract new ones. |