Sažetak | Medicinski otpad definira se kao onaj otpad koji se generira prilikom pružanja njege, zaštite i očuvanja zdravlja ljudi. On je nusproizvod aktivnosti bolnica, medicinskih laboratorija te svih ostalih pružatelja zdravstvenih usluga. Gospodarenje medicinskim otpadom, naročito otpadom opasnih svojstava, od iznimne je važnosti kako za svijet tako i za Republiku Hrvatsku. Porastom zdravstvene industrije proizvodnja medicinskog otpada naglo se povećava, a samim time dolazi i do povećanih potreba za pravilnim gospodarenjem ovom vrstom otpada zbog potencijalnih opasnosti koje ono ima na zdravlje ljudi i okoliš u kojem živimo. Neadekvatnim gospodarenjem medicinskim otpadom moguće je ozbiljno ugroziti zdravlje ljudi, ali i cjelokupni ekosustav. Kako bi se te potencijalno negativne posljedice na vrijeme spriječile potrebno je imati dobro uređen sustav upravljanja otpadom u kojem su umreženi stručnjaci za gospodarenje otpadom i zdravljem okoliša te regulatorne agencije za okoliš. U ovom diplomskom radu daje se uvid u zakonske regulative koje definiraju upravljanje medicinskim otpadom, potencijalne rizike za zdravlje ljudi i okoliš, tehnologije i prakse gospodarenja medicinskim otpadom te količine otpada kroz razdoblje od 2019. do 2022. godine. Prema podacima MINGOR-a o količinama proizvedenog medicinskog otpada, količine otpada povećavaju se od 2019. do 2021. godine u kojoj je dosegnut vrhunac od 8.215 tona medicinskog otpada. Ovaj porast može se pripisati povećanoj potrošnji medicinskih proizvoda uslijed pandemije COVID-19. Nadalje, 2022. godine količina nastalog medicinskog otpada smanjuje se na 7.648 tona otpada odnosno za 7% je manja u odnosu na 2021. godinu. Podaci o finalnim postupcima predobrade, obrade i konačnog odlaganja otpada uglavnom su slični za cijelo promatrano razdoblje. Značajan udio otpada direktno ili nakon predobrade se izvozi na konačnu obradu u strane zemlje koje ga spaljuju ili koriste kao dobivanje energije kao što je gorivo. Postojeći sustav gospodarenja otpadom ne može se ocijeniti kvalitetnim i zadovoljavajućim te je u svrhu unaprjeđenja sustava potrebno prvenstveno riješiti gospodarenje pojedinim vrstama medicinskog otpada od kojih je najproblematičniji infektivni otpad. Planom gospodarenja otpadom RH za razdoblje od 2023. do 2028. godine predviđene su mjere u svrhu unaprjeđenja sustava gospodarenja medicinskim otpadom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Medical waste is defined as the waste that is generated during the provision of care, protection and preservation of human health. It is a by-product of the activities of hospitals, medical laboratories and all other healthcare providers. Management of medical waste, especially hazardous waste, is extremely important both for the world and for the Republic of Croatia. With the growth of the healthcare industry, the production of medical waste is rapidly increasing, and thus there is an increased need for proper management of this type of waste due to the potential dangers it has on human health and the environment in which we live. Inadequate management of medical waste can seriously endanger people's health, as well as the entire ecosystem. In order to prevent these potentially negative consequences in time, it is necessary to have a well-organized waste management system in which waste management and environmental health experts and environmental regulatory agencies are networked. This thesis provides an insight into the legal regulations that define the management of medical waste, potential risks for human health and the environment, technologies and practices of medical waste management, and the amount of waste during the period from 2019 to 2022. According to MINGOR's data on the amount of medical waste produced, the amount of waste increases from 2019 to 2021, when it reached a peak of 8,215 tons of medical waste. This increase can be attributed to the increased consumption of medical products due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, in 2022, the amount of generated medical waste will decrease to 7,648 tons of waste, or 7% less compared to 2021. Data on the final procedures of pretreatment, processing and final waste disposal are mostly similar for the entire observed period. A significant proportion of waste is exported directly or after pretreatment for final processing to foreign countries that burn it or use it to obtain energy such as fuel. The existing waste management system cannot be assessed as high-quality and satisfactory, and in order to improve the system, it is necessary to primarily solve the management of certain types of medical waste, of which infectious waste is the most problematic. The waste management plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2023 to 2028 foresees measures for the purpose of improving the medical waste management system. |