Sažetak | U današnje vrijeme sve više raste važnost održivog poslovanja. Razlog tome su klimatske promjene koje dolaze kao posljedica zagađivanja okoliša. Upravo su poduzeća jedni od najvećih zagađivača, a među njima se ističu naftna poduzeća. Industrija nafte svojim poslovanjem ispušta štetne emisije u okoliš, doprinosi gomilanju otpada te utječe na živote ljudi i životinja. Budući da su naftne tvrtke jedne od najvećih i najprofitabilnijih u svijetu, imaju veliku odgovornost da svojim poslovanjem doprinose socijalnom i ekološkom blagostanju. Neki predviđaju da se naftnoj industriji bliži skori kraj, ali mi se ne slažemo sa tom tezom. Treba još puno napora i novaca uložiti u istraživanje i razvoj kako bi se našao savršeni supstitut nafti. Isto tako, pretpostavke su da rezervi nafte ima na raspolaganju do kraja ovog stoljeća. Također, naftne kompanije sve više ulažu u proizvodnju alternativnih oblika energije. Dakle, iako se nafta iscrpi, kompanije će lako prijeći na alternativu. Upravo zbog svojih velikih profita one su jedne od rijetkih koje imaju mogućnost uložiti u istraživanje i razvoj obnovljivih oblika energije te su kao takve već u startu u prednosti. Zbog svjesnosti svoga utjecaja, naftne kompanije sve više ulažu u programe i projekte koji smanjuju zagađenje okoliša i povećavaju dobrobit lokalne zajednice. Da bi se takvi ciljevi nastavili realizirati potrebno je oblikovati strategiju koja usklađuje vrijednosti koje privlače kupce, dobit i motiviranost radnika. Odnosno, potrebno je uskladiti bio/fizičku, ekonomsku, socijalnu i tehnološku održivost. Ulaganje u tehnologiju može omogućiti učinkovitiju upotrebu goriva na bazi nafte, ali i osmisliti rješenja koja pristupaju drugim izvorima energije. Hrvatska industrija nafte je na dobrom putu da postigne takvu vrstu održivosti. U 2019. godini poduzeća su poduzela razne akcije kako bi doprinijela postizanju ekonomske, ekološke i socijalne održivosti. Znamo da se pri postizanju ekonomskih, socijalnih i ekoloških ciljeva, mora se postići i četvrti cilj: dobra vladavina. To znači da vlada zajedno sa poduzećima mora primijeniti znanje o međusobnim vezama gospodarstva, društva, okoliša i vlade te na taj način postići održivost hrvatske naftne industrije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Nowadays, the importance of sustainable business is growing. The reason for this is climate change that comes as a result of environmental pollution. It is companies that are one of the biggest polluters, and oil companies stand out among them. Through its operations, the oil industry emits harmful emissions into the environment, contributes to the accumulation of waste and affects the lives of people and animals. As oil companies are one of the largest and most profitable in the world, they have a great responsibility to contribute to the social and environmental well-being of their business. Some predict that the oil industry is coming to an end soon, but we do not agree with that thesis. A lot of effort and money still needs to be invested in research and development to find the perfect oil substitute. Likewise, it is assumed that oil reserves are available by the end of this century. Furthermore, oil companies are increasingly investing in the production of alternative forms of energy. So, even though oil is depleted, companies will easily switch to an alternative. Precisely because of their large profits, they are one of the few who have the opportunity to invest in research and development of renewable forms of energy and as such are already at an advantage in the beginning. Aware of their impact, oil companies are increasingly investing in programs and projects that reduce environmental pollution and increase human well-being. In order for such goals to continue to be realized, it is necessary to design a strategy that harmonizes the values that attract customers, profits and employee motivation. That is, it is necessary to harmonize bio / physical, economic, social and technological sustainability. Investing in technology can enable more efficient use of oil-based fuels, but also devise solutions that access other energy sources. The Croatian oil industry is well on its way to achieving this kind of sustainability. In 2019, companies took various actions to contribute to achieving economic, environmental and social sustainability. We know that in achieving economic, social and environmental goals, a fourth goal must be achieved: good governance. This means that the government together with companies must apply knowledge about the interrelationships of the economy, society, environment and government and thus achieve the sustainability of the Croatian oil industry. |