Sažetak | Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prikazati perspektivu autističnih žena o iskustvima u različitim životnim razdobljima budući da su istraživanja uglavnom usmjerena na mušku populaciju. Autistične žene su često nedijagnosticirane, krivo dijagnosticirane ili ih se identificira mnogo kasnije nego autistične muškarce što je česta posljedica kamufliranja, a sama nedijagnosticiranost može uzrokovati probleme mentalnog zdravlja. Tijekom djetinjstva i odrastanja autistične djevojčice nailaze na poteškoće prilikom sklapanja prijateljstva, djevojčice ulaze u pubertet koji sa sobom nosi određene promjene i kojima im se teško prilagoditi. Vezano uz obrazovanje, javljaju se poteškoće prilikom tranzicije, poteškoće koje proizlaze iz same dijagnoze autizma, autistične žene navode nedostatak podrške prilikom obrazovanja s posebnim naglaskom na nerazumijevanje njihovih autističnih potreba. Autistične žene navode prepreke pri samom zapošljavanju, a nakon što dobiju posao nailaze na brojne izazove. Često im njihov trenutni posao ne omogućava da iskoriste svoje vještine, rade na nisko plaćenim poslovima i mali broj ih je zaposlen na puno radno vrijeme. Pronalazak posla koji je u skladu s njihovim interesima, vještinama i radnim preferencijama te rad s podržavajućom okolinom spomenuto je kao bitno. Autistične žene suočavaju se sa senzornim poteškoćama tijekom trudnoće i poroda. Važna im je komunikacija s osobljem te da je ono upoznato s karakteristikama autizma. Određene autistične žene imaju percepciju majčinstva kao nečeg što bi uzrokovalo dodatne teškoće i narušilo mentalno zdravlje, a one koje se odluče na majčinstvo opisuju ga izazovnim, ali također ističu i pozitivne strane roditeljstva. Dojenje djeteta smatraju izazovnim iz senzorne perspektive, ali su odlučne dojiti svoju djecu te dojenje doživljavaju pozitivnim. Vezano uz odlazak na spojeve, često maskiraju svoje teškoće, dok se određene odlučuju na otkrivanje dijagnoze partneru. U partnerskim odnosima nailaze na izazove, pokazuju nižu razinu seksualne želje i manji broj seksualnih ponašanja od neautističnih žena te autističnih muškaraca. Pokazalo se kako su autistične žene u većem riziku za seksualno zlostavljanje od autističnih muškaraca i neautističnih žena te se govori o važnosti seksualnog obrazovanja.
Ovim radom doprinijet će se većem znanju o autističnim ženama. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this thesis is to show the perspective of autistic women about experiences in different periods of life, since research is mainly focused on the male population. Autistic women are often undiagnosed, misdiagnosed or identified much later than autistic men, which is often a result of camouflage, and if a personi s not diagnosed, that itself can cause mental health problems. During childhood and growing up, autistic girls encounter difficulties when making friends, girls enter puberty, which brings with it certain changes that are difficult for them to adapt to. In relation to education, there are difficulties during the transition, difficulties arising from the diagnosis of autism itself, autistic women report a lack of support during education with special emphasis on the lack of understanding of their autistic needs. Autistic women cite obstacles in employment and after they get a job, they encounter numerous challenges. Often their current job does not allow them to use their skills, they work in low paying jobs and few are employed full time. Finding a job that matches their interests, skills and work preferences and working in a supportive environment was mentioned as essential. Autistic women face sensory difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth. Communication with the staff is important for them and that they are familiar with the characteristics of autism. Certain autistic women have a perception of motherhood as something that would cause additional difficulties and impair mental health, and those who decide on motherhood describe it as challenging, but also emphasize the positive sides of parenthood. They find breastfeeding challenging from a sensory perspective, but they are determined to breastfeed their children and perceive breastfeeding as positive. When it comes to going on dates, they often mask their difficulties, while some decide to reveal the diagnosis to their partner. In partner relationships, they encounter challenges, show a lower level of sexual desire and a smaller number of sexual behaviors than non-autistic women and autistic men. It has been shown that autistic women are at greater risk for sexual abuse than autistic men and non-autistic women, and the importance of sexual education is discussed. This work can contribute to greater knowledge about autistic women. |