Sažetak | Odgojitelji su ključne osobe u predškolskim ustanovama, čija je zadaća poučavati, savjetovati, poticati, usmjeravati, te pružati djeci osjećaj prihvaćenosti, jednakosti, pažnje i ljubavi. Brojni autori ističu važnost odgojitelja kao osobe koja svojim ponašanjem i odnosom prema djetetu pomaže u oblikovanju pozitivne slike o sebi. Odgojitelji su temelj djetinjstva. Odgojitelj, kao ključna osoba u ranom razvoju djeteta, trebao bi biti stabilan, zadovoljan svojim životom i poslom. Brojna istraživanja ukazuju na povećani stres kod odgojitelja. Međutim, razni su uzroci profesionalnog stresa, a podrška koju odgojitelji dobivaju često je nedovoljna. Iako se sve više pažnje posvećuje pružanju podrške u obliku edukativnih radionica i edukacija za djecu, mlade, roditelje i obitelji, malo se izvještava o podršci i radu sa samim zaposlenicima. Smanjenje stresa na radnom mjestu i povećanje zadovoljstva odgojitelja nije dovoljno naglašeno. Iz tog razloga, definiran je cilj ovog istraživanja koji se odnosio na koncipiranje, provedbu i evaluaciju radionica koje uključuju tehnike i strategije suočavanja sa stresom u svrhu ublažavanje profesionalnog stresa, psiho-emocionalnog osnaživanja te poboljšanja timske suradnje i komunikacije. Održalo se 6 radionica pod temama: Upoznavanje i opuštanje, Povjerenje i timski rad, Doživljaj sebe i jake strane, Asertivnost, Osnaživanje i Zajedništvo. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 16 odgojitelja dječjeg vrtića u Rijeci, a radionice su se provodile kroz 2 mjeseca u trajanju od 60 minuta. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja korišten je kvantitativni pristup prikupljanja podataka u obliku primjene različitih upitnika (Upitnik IS - izloženost uzročnicima stresa, Upitnik intenziteta sagorijevanja na poslu te Rosenbergova skala samopoštovanja) koji su se primijenili prije i nakon provedbe programa, te Upitnik evaluacije radionica od strane sudionika koji se ispunjavao nakon provedenih radionica.
Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može zaključiti kako je primjena radionica značajno povećale samopouzdanje odgojitelja i smanjila simptome profesionalnog stresa. Također su pozitivno utjecale na zajedništvo i timski rad, ali ta razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Ključno je nastaviti se baviti ovom problematikom, razumijevati posljedice profesionalnog stresa te omogućiti odgojiteljima stalnu podršku kako u radu, tako i na osobnoj razini. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Educators are key people in preschool institutions, whose task is to teach, advise, encourage, guide, and provide children with a sense of acceptance, equality, attention and love. Numerous authors emphasize the importance of the educator as a person who, with his behavior and attitude towards the child, helps to form a positive self-image. Educators are the foundation of childhood. The educator, as a key person in the early development of a child, should be stable, satisfied with his life and work. Numerous studies point to increased stress among educators. However, there are various causes of professional stress, and the support that educators receive is often insufficient. Although more and more attention are paid to providing support in the form of educational workshops and trainings for children, young people, parents and families, little is reported about support and work with the employees themselves. Reducing stress in the workplace and increasing teacher satisfaction is not emphasized enough.
For this reason, the goal of this research was defined, which related to the conception, implementation and evaluation of workshops that include techniques and strategies for dealing with stress to alleviate professional stress, psycho-emotional empowerment and improve team cooperation and communication. 6 workshops were held under the following topics: Getting to know each other and relaxing, Trust and teamwork, Experience yourself and your strengths, Assertiveness, Empowerment and Togetherness. 16 kindergarten teachers in Rijeka were involved in the research, and the workshops were conducted over 2 months and lasted 60 minutes. For the purposes of this research, a quantitative approach to data collection was used in the form of the application of various questionnaires (Questionnaire IS - exposure to stressors, Questionnaire on the intensity of burnout at work and Rosenberg's self-esteem scale) which were applied before and after the implementation of the program, as well as the Workshop Evaluation Questionnaire by the participants which was completed after the workshops.
Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the application of the workshops significantly increased the self-confidence of educators and reduced the symptoms of professional stress. They also had a positive effect on togetherness and teamwork, but this difference was not statistically significant. It is crucial to continue dealing with this issue, to understand the consequences of professional stress, and to provide teachers with constant support both in their work and on a personal level. |