Sažetak | Prema Zakonu o meĎunarodnoj i privremenoj zaštiti, dijete bez pratnje je drţavljanin treće zemlje ili osoba bez drţavljanstva mlaĎa od osamnaest godina, koja je ušla u Republiku Hrvatsku bez pratnje odrasle osobe odgovorne za njega u smislu roditeljske skrbi, sukladno zakonodavstvu Republike Hrvatske. Riječ je o djeci koja putuju sama i potpuno nezaštićena, te ih njihova trenutna situacija često ispunjava strahom za vlastiti ţivot, ali i za ţivot njihovih obitelji s kojima u većini slučajeva nisu ni u kakvom kontaktu. Djeca bez pratnje suočavaju se s nizom rizika, kao što je rizik od trgovine ljudima, viktimizacije tijekom puta, nepoznavanjem jezika i kulture zemlje u koju su došli, pa sve do nemogućnosti ostvarivanja temeljnih prava na sigurnost, obrazovanje, zdravstvenu zaštitu itd.
Republika Hrvatska od svog osamostaljenja, unatrag 20-ak godina, biljeţi znatan broj djece bez pratnje ovisno o geopolitičkim promjenama u svijetu i mnogim tranzicijama. Vaţno je naglasiti da se Hrvatska poima kao tzv. tranzitna zemlja te da se djeca bez pratnje rijetko duţe zadrţavaju na području naše zemlje.
Cilj ovog rada je opisati obiljeţja, status te oblike skrbi za djecu bez pratnje u meĎunarodnim okvirima te u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rad se bavi definiranjem djece bez pratnje i njihovim obiljeţjima, kao i specifičnim potrebama ove populacije. Uz opisan meĎunarodni pravni okvir i pravni okvir Republike Hrvatske, pruţen je i pregled stranih i domaćih istraţivanja i programa. |
Sažetak (engleski) | According to the Law on International and Contemporary Protection, a child without permanent residence is a third-country national or a stateless person under the age of eighteen who entered the Republic of Croatia without the accompanying adults responsible for parental care in accordance with the relevant legislation of the Republic of Croatia. These are children who are completely unprotected, and in the current situation they are often filled with fear for their own lives, but also for the lives of families with whom, in most cases, they don't have any contact. Unaccompanied children face a variety of risks, such as the risk of trafficking, victimization on the road, ignorance of the language and culture of the country they came to, and the inability to exercise their fundamental rights to safety, education, health care, etc.
Since its independence, the Republic of Croatia has, over the last 20 years, recorded a significant number of unaccompanied children, depending on geopolitical changes in the world and many transitions. It is important to emphasize that Croatia is perceived as so-called. transit country and that unaccompanied children rarely stay longer in that territory.
The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics, status and form of care for unaccompanied children in international settings and in the Republic of Croatia. The paper deals with the definition of unaccompanied children and their characteristics, as well as the specific needs of this population. In addition to the described international legal framework and the legal framework of the Republic of Croatia, an overview of foreign and domestic research was provided. The paper also presents foreign programs and ways of working, as well as an overview of the forms of care within the Republic of Croatia. |