Sažetak | se može svrstati i ovisnost o drogama. Dostupni podaci upućuju na veliki broj ovisnika u europskim i američkim zatvorima zbog čega se velika pozornost u rehabilitaciji zatvorenika pridaje upravo programima tretmana ovisnika. Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada opisati institucionalne programe tretmana ovisnika u Europi i Sjevernoj Americi te ih usporediti sukladno opisima i dokazima učinkovitosti proizašlima iz evaluacija i meta-analiza učinkovitosti.
Psihosocijalne intervencije za ovisnike u penalnim institucijama obuhvaćaju terapijske zajednice, kognitivno-bihevioralni tretman, programe 12 koraka i motivacijski intervju. Zbog širokog spektra intervencija, većina opisanih programa i studija učinkovitosti usmjerena je na programe koji koriste pristupe terapijskih zajednica. Od europskih programa u radu su opisani P-ASRO program, RAPt program, programi u Danskoj i Finskoj te hrvatski program PORTOs.
Što se tiče američkih programa, predstavljeni su KEY/CREST program, Lifestyle Change Program, Amity In-Prison Therapeutic Community i Changing Course. Nadalje, u radu je opisano nekoliko evaluacija i meta-analiza učinkovitosti programa za ovisnike u penalnim institucijama prikazom podataka o njihovim karakteristikama, metodologiji, rezultatima i ograničenjima.
Autorica rada ističe izazovnost usporedbe institucionalnih programa tretmana ovisnika u Europi i Sjevernoj Americi te naglašava da rezultati usporedbe nisu relevantni već proizlaze iz dostupnih i, temeljem opisanih kriterija, odabranih studija. Temeljem usporedbe, izdvojene su neke od sličnosti programa kao što je utemeljenost na kognitivno-bihevioralnim principima iz kojih proizlaze specifični ciljevi, dobrovoljan pristanak zatvorenika i aktivno sudjelovanje u programima te provođenje programa od strane educiranih stručnjaka. Na kraju, istaknute su i neke specifičnosti europskih programa u odnosu na američke programe kao što su varijacije u samom konceptu programa, neodvojenost ovisnika od ostalih zatvorenika u penalnoj instituciji te testiranje urina korisnika programa. Zaključno, ističe se napor država da adekvatno odgovore na tretmanske potrebe ovisnika u penalnim institucijama, kao i potreba za češćim provođenjem i objavljivanjem evaluacija programa kako bi se poboljšala njihova učinkovitost u smanjenju kriminalnog povrata. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The prisoner population faces a number of physical and mental health problems, including drug addiction. The available data point to a large number of addicts in European and American prisons, which is why great attention in the rehabilitation of prisoners is paid to the drug treatment programs. The aim of this thesis is to describe the institutional treatment programs for addicts in Europe and North America and compare them in accordance with the descriptions and evidence of efficacy derived from evaluations and meta-analyzes of efficacy.
Psychosocial interventions for addicts in penal institutions include therapeutic communities, cognitive-behavioral treatment, 12-step programs, and a motivational interview. Due to the wide range of interventions, most of the described programs and efficacy studies are focused on programs that use therapeutic community approaches. Among the European programs, the paper describes the P-ASRO program, the RAPt program, programs in Denmark and Finland, and the Croatian PORTOs program. As for U.S. programs, the KEY / CREST program, the Lifestyle Change Program, the Amity Prisoner Therapy Community, and Changing Course program were presented. Furthermore, the paper describes several evaluations and meta-analyzes of the effectiveness of programs for addicts in penitentiary institutions presented with data on their characteristics, methodologies, results, and limitations.
The author emphasizes the challenge of comparing institutional treatment programs for addicts in Europe and North America and emphasizes that the results of the comparison are not relevant but arise from available and, based on the described criteria, selected studies. Based on the comparison, some of the similarities of the program were highlighted, such as being based on cognitive-behavioral principles from which specific goals derive, voluntary consent of prisoners and active participation in programs, and program implementation by trained professionals. Finally, some specifics of European programs in relation to American programs were highlighted, such as variations in the very concept of the program, the separation of addicts from other prisoners in the penal institution, and urine testing of program users. In conclusion, the effort of states to adequately respond to the treatment needs of addicts in penal institutions, as well as the need for more frequent implementation and publication of program evaluations to improve their effectiveness in reducing criminal recidivism, is highlighted. |