Sažetak | Sport i sportske aktivnosti, pa tako i svakodnevno tjelesno kretanje čovjeka može se pozitivno odraziti na ljudsko zdravlje. Redovitom tjelovježbom, osim što čovjek može unaprijediti svoje kondicijske sposobnosti, snagu i izdržljivost, te kontrolirati svoju tjelesnu težinu, postoje mnogi benefiti i za njihovo zdravstveno, psihološko i emocionalno stanje. U ovom radu usmjerili smo se na studentsku populaciju, budući da se radi o mladim odraslim ljudima. Studentski je period u životu nerijetko turbulentan, prožet velikim životnim promjenama, pa tako možemo reći i kako u to vrijeme studenti intenzivno formiraju nove oblike ponašanja, navike i stavove, a koje nerijetko zadržavaju i kasnije u životu. Kako se nalazimo u modernom dobu koje obilježava tehnološki napredak, upravo tehnologija i tehnološke naprave sve češće zamjenjuju ljudski rad, stoga se u ljudsku svakodnevnicu integrirao sjedilački način života. Istraživanja pokazuju kako je, kao i kod odraslih, tako i kod djece i mladih, prisutna navika sve rjeđe fizičke aktivnosti. Upisom na fakultet, prema recentnim istraživanjima, tjelesna aktivnost mladih opada još i više, a sve češće svoje slobodno vrijeme provode na pasivan način, točnije ispred ekrana, a rjeđe baveći se sportskim aktivnostima. Mnogi fakulteti, u svojim studijskim programima, ne nude nastavu ‘Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture’, što može biti razlog pada tjelesne aktivnosti studenata. S time na umu, provedeno je istraživanje kojim su se ispitivali stavovi studenata Sveučilišta u Rijeci o važnosti bavljenja tjelesnim aktivnosti, ali i samoj nastavi ‘Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture’ u visokom obrazovanju. Kako su se ispitivale i navike studenata, rezultati potvrđuju sve manju aktivnost mladih, no isto tako i slabu zainteresiranost za sport i rekreaciju. Važna komponenta u istraživanju bila je i usporedba stavova studenata Filozofskog te Ekonomskog fakulteta, uzevši u obzir kako je na Filozofskom fakultetu uvrštena nastava TZK u ponuđenim studijskim programima, dok na Ekonomskom fakultetu ne postoji kolegij iste vrste. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na značajnu razliku u stavovima ove dvije grupe studenata. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Sport and sports activities, as well as daily physical movement, can have a positive impact on human health. With regular exercise, apart from the fact that a person can improve their fitness abilities, strength and endurance, and control their body weight, there are many benefits for their health, psychological and emotional well-being. This paper focuses on the student population, as they are young adults. The student period in life is often turbulent, filled with significant life changes, during which students intensively form new behaviors, habits, and attitudes that they often retain later in life. In our modern age marked by technological advancement, technology and technological devices increasingly replace human work, leading to a sedentary lifestyle. Many studies show that, not only adults, children and young people as well are engaging in physical activity less frequently. According to recent studies, upon enrolling in college, young people’s physical activity decreases even further, with students increasingly spending their free time passively, specifically in front of screens, rather than engaging in sports activities. Many universities do not offer ‘Physical Education’ classes in their curricula, which may contribute to the decline in students’ physical activity. With this in mind, a study was conducted to examine the attitudes of students at the University of Rijeka towards the importance of physical activity and the inclusion of ‘Physical Education’ classes in higher education. The study also explored students’ habits, confirming a decrease in young people’s activity and a lack of interest in sports and sports recreation. An important component of the research was the comparison of the attitudes of students from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Economics, considering that the Faculty of Humanities includes ‘Physical Education’ in its study programs, while the Faculty of Economics does not offer such courses. The results indicate a significant difference in the attitudes of these two groups of students. |