Sažetak | U svom završnom radu pokušala sam odgovoriti na pitanje koje su to temeljne razlike koje dijele fašizam od nacizma. Oba režima djelovali su na potpuno isti način uz vrlo male razlike, te su i fašizam i nacizam zbog svojih pragmatičnih izbora i kompromitirajući saveza, imali veći utjecaj od pokreta jer su posjedovali snagu rata i smrti. Nacizam se smatra „kopijom“ Mussolinijevskog fašizma, te je samo žešći oblik nedovršenog totalitarnog režima kojeg krasi neviđeni teror i mržnja prema svim neprijateljima režima. Brojni teoretičari nastojali su do temelja ispitati oba režima i ustvrditi njihove temeljne razlike, tako se ističe mišljenje marksističkog filozofa Ernesta Blocha koji nacistički uspjeh povezuje s nasilnim mišljenjem o krvi, tlu i pretkapitalističkom raju te smatra kako su sve vrijednosti koje je nametnuo nacistički režim opstale upravo zbog toga što su izgubile svaku vezu s ekonomskom i društvenom stvarnošću. S druge strane imamo mišljenje utjecajne struje koja smatra fašizam razvojnom diktaturom, osnovanom s ciljem ubrzavanja industrijskog rasta putem prisilne štednje i ustrojavanja radne snage. Oba diktatora podredila su gospodarstvo političkim ciljevima. Zanimljiva su i razna psihoanalitička tumačenja osobnosti dvojice diktatora. Tako su Mussolinija percipirali sasvim običnim čovjekom zbog svog gordog držanja, neprestanog trčanja za ženama i zbog svoje posvećenosti pojedinostima. Hitlera su smatrali posve drugačijim, a kao temeljne odlike njegove osobnosti navode: njegovu tajnovitost, hipohondriju, narcisoidnost, osvetoljubljivost i megalomaniju te njegovu sposobnost šarmiranja velike mase ljudi. Mnogi promatrači fašizam vide kao podvrstu totalitarizma. Giovanni Amendola, vođa parlamentarne oporbe, u svibnju 1923. godine smislio je pridjev, totalitario, u članku u kojem osuđuje fašistička nastojanja monopoliziranja javnih dužnosti. Treba priznati kako za razliku od nacizma, Mussolinijev režim želi normalizirati svoj odnos s Crkvom, monarhijom, mjesnom vlasti, ali nijedan režim, čak ni Hitlerov ili Staljinov nikada nije uspio prigrabiti posljednji komadić privatnosti kao ni osobne ili grupne autonomije. Nadalje, teoretičari totalitarizma iz 1950-ih vjerovali su da Hitler i Staljin najbolje odgovaraju njihovom modelu. Kriterije za taj režim razvili su 1956. godine Carl J. Friedrich i Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, prema njima nacističkom Njemačkom i sovjetskom Rusijom upravljala je po jedna stranka koja se služila vlastitom ideologijom, terorističkim policijskim nadzorom i upravljala svim vrstama komunikacija i gospodarskim organizacijama. Nema sumnje da je fašistički represivni sustav bio manje agresivan od nacističkog, no u oba režima zakon je bio podređen „višim“ zahtjevima rase ili klase. Hitlerizam i mussolinizam se također bitno razlikuju u konačnim ciljevima – jednima je to prevlast više rase; a drugima prevlast države. Mussolini je uglavnom pritvarao neprijatelje svog režima, dok Hitler nije imao milosti ni za koga. Ubija je rasne neprijatelje, osuđivao je na smrt i novorođenčad, želio je uništiti brojne narode uključujući i njihove grobove i kulturnu baštinu. Nacističko biološko istrebljivanje nije dopuštalo spasenje ni ženama ni djeci. Zaključuje se kako je ipak Hitlerov režim odnio puno više života od Mussolinijevog. Hannah Arendt je teoretičarka koja je opširno i iscrpno pisala o svim političkim režimima 20. stoljeća, izjednačujući pritom nacizam i boljševizam kao dva gotovo istovjetna oblika totalitarističke vladavine, dok fašizam nije smatrala totalitarnim režimom upravo zbog njegove blaže naravi. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this paper I have tried to answer what are the main differences between fascism and nazism. Both regimes operated in very similar ways but with minor differences and both have had, because of their pragmatic choices and compromising alliences, bigger impact then some other regimes, especially considering their war power and fear of death that comes with it. Nazism, in that sense, is only a copy of Mussolini's fascism, and is nothing but an unfinished totalitarian regime characterised by an unseen terror and hatred towards any enemy of the state. We can call nazism and fascism 'fraternal twins' in a sense that they have both reshaped the picture of the world with severe consequences to all of humanity. Also, both regimes are products of psychologically distressed minds, who have, under the mask of ideology, tried to resolve their own frustrations and flaws. Both Hitler and Mussolini acted similarly with only minor differences and have had global goals. Many theorists tried to examine the essence of both regimes and find out what their main differences are; one of the more popular is the thesis of marxist philosopher Ernest Bloch who connected the Nazi success to the violent human thought of blood, ground and capitalistic heaven. He thinks that all of the values brought by a Nazi regime have survived only because they have lost any kind of connection to the economic and social reality. On the other hand there are more influential thinkers who see fascism as a developing dictatorship, established with a goal of maintaining an industrial growth by imposing savings and establishing work forces. Both dictators subordinated the economy to their political goals and there are many interesting psychoanalitical explanations of their personalities. Mussolini was perceived as a common man because of his proud attitude, his relentless chasing after the ladies and his obsession with details. However, Hitler was perceived in a different way. When describing his personality people use words such as secretive, hypochondriac, narcissistic, malicious, megalomaniac but also very charming, especially when among the crowd of people. The question that arises is if all fascist leaders were utterly insane, how did they managed to rule for such a long time? Also, lot of them think of fascism as a subcategory of totalitarianism. In May 1923 Giovanni Amendola, leader of the parlamentary opposition, came up with an adjective 'totalitaria' in his article in which he condemns fascist intentions to monopolize all the public duties. We should acknowledge at least, the difference between that and Mussolini's regime where he tried to stabilize relations with the Church, monarchy and local authorities. Not one regime, however, not even Hitler's or Stallin's, managed to take the last piece of privacy from the people, nor it managed to take away personal or group autonomy. Totalitarian theorist in the 1950s believed that Hitler and Stalin best describe their ideology. The criteria was offered by Carl J. Friedrich and Zbigniew K. Brzezinski in 1956. They explained that both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were managed by a single party, which used its own ideology, terrorist police supervision and managed all types of communication and economic organisations. There is no doubt that fascist repressive system was less agressive then the Nazi one, but in both regimes the law was subordinated to the 'higher' laws of the race and class. Hitlerism and Mussolinism are also different when it comes to their final goal – to the first it is the domination of the higher class, and for the latter it is the domination of the state. Mussolini mostly detained enemies of his regime, while Hitler had mercy for no one. He killed the enemies of the race, sentenced to death even the newborns, wanted to destroy all the nations including their graves and cultural history. Nazi biological extermination did not allow saving even women and children. We can conclude that Hitler's regime took much more lives than the Mussolini's, but it also means that both regimes still do not have exuses for their crimes, regardless of their similarities and differences. Hannah Arendt, one of the most prominet theorists, wrote about bolsevism and national socialism and concluded they are the true example of totalitarism in the 20th century, equating Nazism and Bolshevism as two almost identical forms of totalitarian rule, while fascism did not consider totalitarian regimes precisely because of its milder nature. |