Sažetak | U ovom radu nastoji se upoznati čitatelje sa svim segmentima Druge internacionale, od njezinih ambicioznih početaka i utemeljena 1889. godine pa sve do neslavnog završetka i sloma 1914. godine. U prvom dijelu ističu se nasljeđa Prve internacionale, Pariške Komune i općenito socijalizma i radničkih pokreta koja je Druga internacionala implementirala u svoj program. Potom se razmatra pitanje organiziranosti kroz odnose socijalističkih stranaka i sindikata različitih zemalja koje su djelovale unutar novog međunarodnog socijalističkog pokreta. U radu se objašnjava i teoretska podloga Druge internacionale, koja većim dijelom prati tekovine marksizma. Nastoji se što vjernije prikazati djelovanje Druge internacionale preko kongresa koji su se održavali svake 2 – 4 godine. Problematiziraju se osnovne ideje i ciljevi Druge internacionale. Rad sagledava koliko i kakve napore je Druga internacionala uložila da bi promijenila tijek povijesti. Naglasak je stavljen na probleme koji su obavijali Drugu internacionalu za cijelo vrijeme njezina postojanja. Uz sve to, ispituje se u kolikoj su mjeri okolnosti vremena i prostora, te fenomeni karakteristični za to razdoblje poput nacionalizma, imperijalizma i militarizma, utjecali na podjele unutar socijalističkog pokreta. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper attempts to familiarize readers with all segments of the Second International, from its ambitious beginnings and foundation in the year 1889 to its sorrowful ending and collapse in the year 1914. In the first part, the legacy of the First International, the Parise Commune and generally of socialism and workers movements, which the Second international embraced in its programme, is highlighted. Afterwards, what is considered is, through relations between socialist parties and trade unions of different countries, the question of how this new international socialist movement is organized. The paper also explains the theoretical foundations of the Second International, which are mostly taken from marxism. It attempts to show the actions of the Second International, as much precisely as possible, which were agreed upon the congresses, which were held every 2 – 4 years. The main ideas and goals of the Second Intrernational are discussed. The paper views how much and what kind of efforts the Second International has used in order to change the course of history. Emphasis is put on problems which were present through the whole existence of the Second International. In addition, the paper examines how much the circumstances of time and place, and phenomena characteristic for that period, such as nationalism, imperialism and militarism, have affected on divisions in the socialist movement. |