Sažetak | U ovom diplomskom radu piše se o običajima kroz godinu u Sinjskoj krajini, izdvajajući najvažnije i one koji se na poseban način obilježavaju. Među njima ističemo advent, Božić, korizmu, Veliki tjedan, Uskrs, te blagdane Svetog Jurja, Svetog Marka, Duhova, Spasova, Tijelova, Svetoga Antuna Padovanskog, Svetog Ivana, Velike Gospe, Svih svetih te Dušni dan. Naglasak je na običajima koji su se dobrim dijelom i danas zadržali u selima Sinjske krajine, proučava se način na koji su ljudi slavili određene blagdane, štovali svece, pripremali se za korizmu i advent, istražuju se vjerovanja i značenje određenih postupaka i ponašanja. U rad su uvrštene i neke lirske pjesme Sinjskog kraja i okolice, povijesnog, ljubavnog, misaonog i didaktičkog karaktera. Svi navedeni običaji vrlo su slični od sela do sela, ali se ponegdje i razlikuju, odnosno postoje različite varijacije od mjesta do mjesta. Važno je naglasiti i da većina navedenih običaja ima dodirne točke, odnosno sličnosti s tim istim običajima i u ostatku Hrvatske, primjerice u Slavoniji i Dalmaciji, ali i u Hercegovini. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This final thesis is based upon the customs and traditions of the Sinj region throughout the year, whil eemphasysiznig the most important customs and the ones that are celebrated in the most specific ways. Customs to be mentioned in the thesis are Christmas, Advent, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Assumption of Mary, Corpus Christi, All Saints Day and the days dedicated to saints such as Saint George, Saint Mark and Saint Anthony of Padua. The highlight of the thesis are the customs that have been preserved in the villages of the Sinj region till this day. The paper studies the ways of celebrating specific holydays, worshiping saints, preparing for the Lentand the Advent, but also people's religious beliefs and the meanings of their actions and behaviours. It includes some of the lyrical poems from the region of Sinj and its area that have hystorical, romantical, intellectual and didactical character. All of the above mentioned customs are highly similar in each village, but sometimes they differ from one another, meaning that there can be some variations present. It is highly important to emphasize that the most of the previously mentioned customs have some common ground, respectively the simillarities with those customs in the rest of the Croatia, for example in Slavonia, Dalmatia, but also in Herzegovina. |