Sažetak | Cilj ovog rada je napraviti kratki presjek shvaćanja pojma supstancije kojeg su ustvrdili
filozofi u razdoblju racionalizma gdje će prvenstveno biti težište na ono shvaćanje kakvo
nalazimo kod Descartesa i Spinoze. Struktura rada se sastoji u tome da će autor prije svega
postaviti okvir iznoseći generalne karakteristike samog racionalizma, pa slijedom toga
spomenit neke od općepoznatih definicija koje se tiču supstancije kao takve da bi se lakše
moglo zaći u temu koja stoji pred vama. U centru razmatranja će naravno biti stavljen
spoznajni problem i samo definiranje supstancije, koji ćemo ponaosob obraditi,
raspodijeljevši uradak na dio posvećen Descartesu i na dio posvećen Spinozi. Dakako, svaki
od spomenutih racionalista nosi sa svojim sustavom stanoviti nedostatak ili problematiku na
koji ćemo skrenut pozornost i podastrijeti njihov pokušaj da riješe vlastiti problem „rupe“ u
sustavu uz sugestije današnjih tumačenja takvog razvoja misli. Naprosto se ne možemo otet
dojmu kako svaki skup karakteristika koji su ustvrdili ova dva filozofa nerijetko povlače za
sobom razne implikacije gdje se vidi prostor za mogućom kritikom. Također, kroz rad bit će
pod svjetlom promatranja stavljeni pojmovi koji su usko isprepleteni sa supstancijom, a to su
atributi, modusi i na koncu pojam Boga koji je na neki način i dalje osjetno zadržao utjecaj
srednjovjekovnog percipiranja supstancije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this paper is to make a brief overview of the understanding of the concept of
substance established by philosophers in the rationalist period, where the focus will be set
primarily on the understanding of such concepts as we find them in the works of Descartes
and Spinoza. The Structure of this paper is based on the authors set framework, outlining the
general characteristics of rationalism itself, followed then with contemporary, generalyknown
definitions concerning „substance as such“ so that it is easier to enter into a deeper
analysis of the topic before us.At the center of the discussion will, of course, be the problem
of cognition and the definition of the concept of substance, which we will analyse
individually, dividing the work into two parts; the first part dedicated to Descartes, and the
second part dedicated to Spinoza.Of course, each of the mentioned rationalists philosophers
carry with their systems a certain shortcoming or problem to which we must and will draw
attention to, and present their attempts to solve their own problems or "holes" in their systems,
aswell as analyse those problems with suggestions of contemporary interpretations. We
simply cannot shake off the impression that each set of characteristics asserted by these two
philosophers often entails various implications where interpretative space is created for
possible criticism. Also, through the paper, concepts that are closely intertwined with
substance will be placed under observation, namely the concepts of attribute, modes and
finally the concept of God, which in some way still significantly retained the influence of
medieval perception of substance. |