Sažetak | Od dolaska Hrvata na kaštelansko područje, vlasništvo nad zemljom nameće se kao
glavni pokretač društvenih procesa i sukoba u razvijenom i kasnom srednjem vijeku. Podilazeći
raznim vlastima koje su u određenom periodu vladale nad navedenim prostorom, Trogir i Split
nastojali su prisvojiti što veći dio Kaštelanskog polja, a kao rezultat njihovih ekspanzionističkih
težnji, polje se podijelilo na splitski i trogirski dio, tj. Dilat i Podmorje. Navedeno razdoblje je
obilježeno tenzijama i povremenim sukobima između dviju komuna, Trogira i Splita, a najveću
štetu su pretrpjeli težaci koji su obitavali na kaštelanskom prostoru. Relativno mirno razdoblje
je nastupilo uspostavom mletačke vlasti u Dalmaciji jer je Venecija poticala surađnju među
gradovima radi vlastite koristi. Približavanjem turske opasnosti, komune Split i Trogir, na
vlastitu inicijativu, uz potporu mletačke vlasti podižu obrambene utvrde, tj. kaštele kako bi
zaštitili svoje posjede u Kaštelanskom polju. Podizanjem kaštela, trogirski i splitski plemići
obvezali su se i na izgradnju utvrđenih naselja oko kaštela i time označili početak egzistiranja
Kaštela kakva danas poznajemo. Kroz rad analizirat će se nastanak i razvoj Kaštel Starog,
Kaštel Novog i Kaštel Štafilića te njihovo funkcioniranje i društveno-gospodarski odnosi u
njima. Podizanjem kaštela i utvrđenih naselja oko njih promijenila se topografska slika
Kaštelanskog polja. Umjesto razbacanih potkozjačkih sela, izgradila su se obalna, utvrđena
naselja, relativno strogog i pravilnog unutrašnjeg rasporeda. Naselja su bila zaštićena s
kopnenih strana dok je morska strana služila kao izlaz u slučaju opasnosti. Iako naselja nisu
mogla izdržati jake turske napade, poslužila su svrsi i pružila relativnu zaštitu njihovim
naseljenicima. Budući da su plemići okolnih masiva podigli utvrde i pripadajuća im naselja o
vlastitom trošku, bilo je evidentno da će oni u idućim stoljećima, preko raznih težačkih obveza,
refundirati svoje troškove. S vremenom je zahvalnost stanovništva za pruženi zaklon bila sve
manja, a težnja za samostalnošću sve veća, javlja se sve više sukoba među težacima i
plemstvom, a bratovštine se izdvajaju kao predstavnici puka i novi nositelji društvenih
promjena u navedenim selima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Since the arrival of Croats in the Kaštela area, land ownership has emerged as the main
driver of social processes and conflicts in the developed and late Middle Ages. Submissive to
various authorities who ruled over the area for a certain period, Trogir and Split tried to
appropriate as much of the Kaštela field as possible, and as a result of their expansionist
aspirations, the field was divided into Split and Trogir, ie Dilat and Podmorje. This period was
marked by tensions and occasional conflicts between the two communes, Trogir and Split, and
the greatest damage was suffered by the farmers who lived in the Kastela area. A relatively
peaceful period ensued with the establishment of Venetian rule in Dalmatia as Venice
encouraged cooperation between cities for its own benefit. As the Turkish danger approached,
the communes of Split and Trogir, on their own initiative, with the support of the Venetian
authorities, built defensive fortifications, castles, in order to protect their estates in Kaštelansko
polje. By building castles, the nobles of Trogir and Split committed themselves to the
construction of fortified settlements around the castle and thus marked the beginning of the
existence of the castle as we know it today. The paper will analyze the origin and development
of Kaštel Stari, Kaštel Novi, and Kaštel Štafilić, as well as their functioning and socioeconomic
relations in them. With the erection of castles and fortified settlements around them,
the topographic picture of the Kaštela field changed. Instead of scattered Podkozjak villages,
coastal, fortified settlements were built, with a relatively strict and regular internal layout. The
settlements were protected from the land sides while the seaside served as an exit in case of
danger. Although the settlements could not withstand strong Turkish attacks, they served a
purpose and provided relative protection to their settlers. Since the nobles of the surrounding
massifs built fortifications and their settlements at their own expense, it was evident that in the
following centuries, they would, through various peasant obligations, reimburse their expenses.
Over time, the gratitude of the population for the shelter was less and less, and the desire for
independence is growing, there are more and more conflicts between farmers and nobility, and fraternities stand out as representatives of the regiment and new bearers of social change in
these villages. |