Sažetak | Umjetnost koju čovjek stvara, od samih početaka usko je vezana za prikaze životinja. Osim za prehranjivanje, čovjek je tijekom povijesti koristio životinjske žrtve u različitim ritualima. Životinje su bile shvaćene kao bića blagoslovljena od bogova čija je svrha bila predstavljati bogove, proricati budućnost ili služiti kao hrana bogovima. Stoga nije čudno da se među prvim, do danas sačuvanim, ritualnim prikazima donose upravo životinje. Simbolika koju pritom nose, vezana je uz njihovu fizionomiju ili sposobnosti, pa je tako sposobnost letenja pticama dala ulogu veze i posrednika između nebeskog i zemaljskog svijeta.
Ovaj rad obrađuje prikazivanje ptica u umjetnosti antike, s naglaskom na primjere na istočnoj obali Jadrana u stoljećima grčko-rimske dominacije. Iako su zastupljene brojne vrste ptica, u radu su istaknute one koje su najučestalije, poput pijetlova, patki, goluba, gavrana i sl. Što se pak tiče simbolike ptica, ona ovisi o samoj ptici, iako općenito ptice imaju pozitivnu konotaciju, naravno postoje i one negativne. Simboličko značenje ptica također je promjenjivo, posebice prodorom kršćanstva kada su različite vrste ptica poprimile nova značenja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The art that man creates, from the very beginning, has been closely related to depictions of animals. In the need of feeding man has used animal sacrifices in various rituals throughout history. Animals were understood as beings blessed by the Gods whose purpose was to represent the Gods, to foretell the future, or to serve as food for the Gods. Therefore, it is not surprising that animals are among the first, preserved to this day, ritual displays. The symbolism they carry is related to their physiognomy or abilities, so the ability to fly gave birds the role of a link and mediator between the heavenly and earthly worlds. This paper deals with the depiction of birds in the art of antiquity, with an emphasis on examples on the eastern coast of the Adriatic during the centuries of Greco – Roman domination. Although numerous types of birds are represented, the paper highlights the most common ones, such as roosters, ducks, pigeons, ravens, etc. As for the symbolism of birds, it depends on the bird itself, although, in general, birds have a positive connotation. Of course, there are also the negative ones. The symbolic meaning of birds is also changing, especially with the penetration of Christianity with time when different types of birds took on new meanings. |