Sažetak | Vis (Isa) postoji kao otok koji su ljudi naselili već punih pet tisuća godina, čemu svjedoče ostaci preindoeruopskih zajednica koje su tu živjele. Zatim je otok naselilo ilirsko pleme Liburna, koji su oko V. stoljeća prije Krista postepeno sve više dolazili u kontakt s grčkim trgovcima i moreplovcima. Eventualno je 397. godine prije Krista Dionizije Stariji, vladar grčkog grada Sirakuze na Siciliji, poslao svoje ljude da na Isi osnuju grčku koloniju. Za osnutak grada odabrali su mjesto unutar današnje viške luke koja je zatvorena i zaštićena sa svih strana. Tako je nastalo snažan grčki polis koji je kovao svoj novac, osnivao dalje svoje kolonije na Korčuli, Trogiru i Stobreču. Najveći lokaliteti ovoga doba su možda nekropole, u čijim je grobovima pronađeno dosta predmeta i ostataka.
Isa je kao grčki polis napredovala sve dok nije stala na stranu Pompeja koji je bio u građanskom ratu sa Cezarom. Nakon što je Pompej doživio poraz, Isa se morala predati te je tako postala grad Rimskog carstva 45. godine prije Krista. Unatoč tome, Isa je i dalje prosperirala, čemu u prilog idu rimski teatar i terme, koji su važni ostaci tog razdoblja kako za Isu, tako i za cijelu Hrvatsku. Naposljetku Isa više nije mogla konkurirati u trgovini te je polako pala u zaborav.
Dolaskom Hrvata, Isa postaje hrvatski grad. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Vis (Isa) has existed as an inhabited island for at least five thousand years, as evidenced by the remains of pre-Indo-European communities that had lived there. Island then had become inhabited by the Illyrian tribe of Liburns, who gradually came into contact with Greek traders and sailors around the 5th century BC. Eventually, in 397 BC, Dionysius the Elder, ruler of the Greek city of Syracuse in Sicily, sent his men to establish a Greek colony in Isa. For the foundation of the city, they chose a place inside today’s port of Vis, which is closed and protected from all sides.
This is how this strong Greek polis was created, which minted its own money and founded its won colonies in Korčula, Trogir and Stobreč. The largest localities of this era are perhaps its necropolises, in whose graves many objects and remains were found.As the Greek polis, Isa had kept progressing until it sided with Pompey who was in a civil war with Caesar. After Pompey was defeated, Isa had to surrender and thus became a city of the Roman Empire in 45 BC. Despite this, Isa continued to prosper, which is evidenced by the Roman Theater and thermal baths, which are important remnants of that period for both Issa and Croatia.
At least, Isa could no longer compete in trade and slowly fell into oblivion. With the arrival of the Croats, Isa became a Croatian town. |