Sažetak | U ovom radu zabilježeni su različiti aspekti kulturne baštine Imotske krajine, prvenstveno iz sela Grabovac iz kojeg potječe moja obitelj. Prikupjena su stara vjerovanja, povijesne predaje, mitske i demonološke predaje, a spominju se i pričanja iz svakodnevnog života. Ovi elementi čine bogato nasljeđe Imotskog kraja, a mnogi od njih, iako su slični drugim narodima, imaju svoj jedinstveni karakter i osobni pečat kazivača. Zapaženo je da se čak i kad se priče i predaje bave istom temom, međusobno razlikuju u nekoliko detalja ili stihova. Ove sitne razlike često predstavljaju osobni doživljaj kazivača i dokaz su da se usmena književnost prenosila s generacije na generaciju. Važno je istraživati i dokumentirati takve priče jer često čine srž kulturnog identiteta i nasljeđa naroda. Osim toga, u radu se govori i o gangi, pučkim pjesmama i molitvama. Ovim se radom nastojalo opovrgnuti predrasude o vrijednosti usmene književnosti jer se ističe da usmena književnost nije samo zbirka priča i pjesama, već i duboki izraz duše naroda, odražavajući njihov identitet, vrijednosti i povijest. Hrvatski jezik na kojem su ove priče ispričane čini ovu baštinu još dragocjenijom. Ovaj rad doprinosi očuvanju kulturne baštine Imotskog kraja i pomaže osigurati da se bogato nasljeđe prenosi i na buduće generacije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this research paper, various aspects of the cultural heritage of Imotska krajina have been recorded, primarily from the village of Grabovac, from which my family originates. Old beliefs, historical traditions, myths, and demonological tales have been collected, along with mentions of everyday life narratives. These elements constitute the rich heritage of the Imotska region, and many of them, although similar to those of other nations, have their unique character and the personal touch of the narrators. It is notable that even when stories and traditions address the same topic, they differ in several details or verses. These subtle differences often represent the personal experience of the narrators and are evidence that oral literature has been passed down from generation to generation. It is important to research and document such stories because they frequently form the core of a people's cultural identity and heritage. Additionally, the paper discusses "ganga," folk songs, and prayers. Through this work, an effort has been made to debunk prejudices about the value of oral literature by emphasizing that oral literature is not merely a collection of stories and songs but also a profound expression of a people's soul, reflecting their identity, values, and history. The Croatian language in which these stories were narrated makes this heritage even more precious. This paper contributes to the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Imotska region and helps ensure that this rich legacy is passed on to future generations. |