Sažetak | Pandemija COVID–19 koja je nastupila početkom 2020. godine odrazila se na svaki dio
čovjekovog života, a uz restrikcije u svakodnevici i globalno gospodarstvo zahtijevalo je
strategiju suočavanja. Temeljni cilj istraživanja je bolje razumijevanje yachting industrije kao
grane nautičkog turizma uz prikaz specifičnosti rada iz perspektive članova posade i njihovog
iskustva utjecaja pandemije na dodatne radne uvijete. Upotrijebljena mješovita metodologija
kombinira kvalitativnu metodu intervjua i kvantitativnu metodu sekundarne obrade podataka
službenih statističkih izvora: Statista, Državni zavod za statistiku i Svjetski ekonomski forum.
Analizirano je 20 polustrukturiranih intervjua provedenih u proljeće 2022. godine sa skiperima
i brodskim stjuardesama koji su tijekom ključnog pandemijskog perioda radili u yachting
industriji. Rezultati analize intervjua ukazuju na prepoznatost jedinstvenosti hrvatske obale za
turizam. Tako su svi sudionici naveli prirodne značajke, većina i turističku ponudu, potom
infrastrukturu i pogodne zakone.
Ako se sagledaju opće odrednice rada u yachting industriji, kvalitetna posada prema mišljenju
sudionika posjeduje iznimne socijalne vještine, disciplinu, izdržljivost i profesionalan pristup
poslu. Sudionici preferiraju freelance rad od vezanja ugovorom, dok je jedna sudionica
neodlučna zbog jako izraženih pozitivnih i negativnih značajki mogućnosti poslovnog
angažmana poput zaštite radnika od neizvjesnosti, samostalnog planiranja rasporeda i zarade te
različitih stupnjeva odgovornosti prema jahti ili charter agenciji. Kao prednosti rada sudionici
su u pravilu naveli novac, zatim upoznavanje i nova iskustva, putovanja i prilike za napredak,
a izazovima smatraju odsustvo od kuće i intenzivno iscrpljivanje, općenitu nesistematiziranost
rada u industriji ili odnose s drugim članovima posade.
Svi sudionici i sudionice teže karijernom napredovanju. Većina ne smatra ženu
diskriminiranom u industriji, iako nekoliko sudionika spominje manji interes za napredak kod
žena zbog kojega su primijećene teškoće ostvarivanja obiteljskog života. Tek petina sudionika
ne razmišlja o alternativnoj karijeri na kopnu.
Što se tiče početnog pandemijskog razdoblja, četvrtina sudionika nije izrazila zabrinutost za
svoje zaposlenje. Nadalje, regulacije su doživjeli manje rigoroznima u odnosu na ostale
turističke destinacije, iako su ponekad nejasne i u rijetkim slučajevima nepoštovane. Čak 18
sudionika vjeruje da je cjepivo doprinijelo u ostvarivanju turističke sezone 2021., iako samo
njih četiri opravdava uvjetovanje cijepljenja za zaposlenje, dok većina duboko vjeruje u na vlastiti izbor. Prema dojmu sudionika, oporavak yachting industrije osjetno je uspješno
realiziran već u 2021. godini, što se slaže sa statističkim podatcima o prihodima luka, odnosno
broju plovila na stalnom vezu i u tranzitu. Isto ne vrijedi za globalna turistička kretanja ni
segment kruzera hrvatskog nautičkog turizma. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The COVID-19 pandemic that occurred at the beginning of 2020 affected every part of human
life, and in addition to restrictions in everyday life, the global economy also required a coping
strategy. The fundamental goal of this research is a better understanding of the yachting industry
as a branch of nautical tourism, with a presentation of the specifics of work from the perspective
of crew members and their experience of the impact of the pandemic on additional working
conditions. Mixed methodology used in this research combines the qualitative method of
interviews and the quantitative method of secondary processing of data from official statistical
sources: Statista, Croatian Bureau of Statistics and World Economic Forum. Thematic analysis
was applied to 20 semi-structured interviews conducted in the spring of 2022 with skippers and
ship stewardesses who worked in the yachting industry during the key period of the pandemic.
The results indicate recognition of the uniqueness of the Croatian coast for tourism. Thus, all
participants mentioned natural features, the majority also mentioned the tourist offer, followed
by infrastructure and favorable laws. In respect of the general determinants of work in the
yachting industry, according to the participants, a quality crew possesses exceptional social
skills, discipline, endurance and a professional work approach. The participants prefer freelance
work to being bound by a contract, while one participant is undecided due to strongly expressed
positive and negative features of the possibility of business engagement, such as protecting
workers from uncertainty, independent planning of schedules and earnings and different
degrees of responsibility towards the yacht or charter agency. As a rule, the participants cited
the salary as an advantage of work, followed by acquaintances and new experiences, travel and
opportunities for advancement, while they consider absence from home and intense exhaustion,
general lack of systematization of work in the industry or relationships with other crew
members as challenges. All participants strive for career advancement. As many as 17 of them
do not consider women discriminated against in the industry, although several participants
mention less interest in women's progress, due to which difficulties in achieving family life
have been noticed. Only a fifth of the participants do not consider an alternative career on land.
Regarding the initial pandemic period, a quarter of the participants did not express concern
about their employment. Furthermore, they perceived the regulations to be less rigorous
compared to other tourist destinations, although the regulations are sometimes unclear and in
rare cases disregarded. As many as 18 participants believe that the vaccine contributed to the
realization of the 2021 tourist season, although only four of them justify making vaccination a
condition for employment, while the majority deeply believe in the right to make one's own
choice. According to the participants' impression, the recovery of the yachting industry was
significantly successfully already realized in 2021, which is in accordance with the statistical
data on the ports' income, i.e., the number of vessels on permanent berth and in transit. This
does not apply to global tourism trends nor the cruise ship segment of Croatian nautical tourism. |