Sažetak | U ovom radu bilježi se kulturna antropologija otoka Lastova u povijesnom i etnološkom kontekstu. Počevši od povijesti, graditeljstva, štovanje svetaca i držanje do svojih običaja koji je neizostavan dio svakog kraja. Nadalje, zabilježene su neke anegdote i pjesme koje se mogu čuti na Lastovu bilo to za vrijeme poklada ili obilježavanja nekih događaja. Otok Lastovo obiluje bogatom poviješću. U ovom radu su na temelju prikupljenih podataka s terena opisani božićni i pokladni običaji sačuvani u narodnom pamćenju. Zabilježeni su i običaji kojima se štuju pojedini kršćanski sveci poput sv. Ivana, sv. Petra, sv. Lucije i zaštitnika sv. Kuzme i Damjana. Naime njihov spomendan je 26. rujna, a ujedno je tada i dan općine te se oni smatraju zaštitnicima liječnika i kirurga. Točnije sv. Kuzma se smatra zaštitnikom liječnika i kirurga, dok se sv. Damjan slavi kao zaštitnik ljekarnika i farmaceuta. Nekadašnji život naših baka i djedova se razlikovao od današnjeg života. U radu su zapisani neki od pomalo zaboravljenih običaja koji su se koristili za vrijeme svadbe i ostalih važnijih događaja. Lastovo obiluje bogatom tradicijom te brojnim pričama koje su karakteristične za ovaj kraj kojima, nažalost, prijeti zaborav. Iz tog razloga iznimno je važno da, kao obilježje identiteta, ostanu trajno zabilježeni i sačuvani od zaborava. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper records the cultural anthropology of the island of Lastovo in a historical and ethnological context. It begins with the history, architecture, worship of saints and adherence to customs which are an essential part of every land. Furthermore, some anecdotes and songs that can be heard on Lastovo, whether during carnival or commemorations of certain events, are documented. The island of Lastovo abounds in rich history. This paper describes Christmas and carnival customs preserved in the people's memory, all of which are based on the collected data from the field. The customs of worship of individual Christian saints such as St. John, St. Peter, St. Lucy and the patron saints of Lastovo, St. Cosmas and Damian. Namely, their memorial is on September 26, as well as the day of the municipality, and also they are considered the protectors of doctors and surgeons. More precisely, St. Cosmas is considered the patron saint of physicians and surgeons, while St. Damian is celebrated as the patron saint of pharmacists. The life of our grandparents was different from today’s life. This paper records some of the somewhat forgotten customs used during weddings and other important events. The paper records some of the somewhat forgotten customs that were practiced during weddings and other significant events. Lastovo is rich in tradition and numerous stories characteristic of this region, which are, unfortunately, at risk of being forgotten. For this reason, it is extremely important that, as a mark of identity, they remain permanently recorded and preserved from oblivion. |