Sažetak | U posljednja tri desetljeća došlo je do naglog razvoja tehnologije i informatike čime se povećao sjedilački način života. S tim se problemom suočavaju ne samo odrasli već i djeca, a posebice adolescenti, odnosno srednjoškolci. Oni su zbog veće količine školskih obaveza sve manje zainteresirani za kretanje i bavljenje sportom i više slobodnog vremena provode u pasivnim aktivnostima. Cilj ovog rada bio je saznati kako srednjoškolci Virovitičko-podravske županije provode svoje vrijeme, utječe li roditeljsko bavljenje sportom na njihovo bavljenje sportom te utječe li bavljenje sportom na njihovu popularnost. Također, prema faktorima poput spola, mjesta stanovanja, dnevnih navika (izlasci, konzumacija alkohola, duhanskih proizvoda i narkotika, vrijeme provedeno pred medijima), školskog uspjeha i razine osobnog zadovoljstva nastojalo se otkriti postoje li razlike s obzirom na to bave li se sportom ili ne. U skladu s time, provedena je online anketa, a rezultati su pokazali da se nešto više od polovice učenika srednjih škola Virovitičko-podravske županije bavi sportom u slobodno vrijeme te da roditeljsko bavljenje sportom utječe na njihovo bavljenje sportom, ali da bavljenje sportom ne utječe previše na njihovu popularnost među vršnjacima. Sportom se više bave mladići te oni koji žive u gradu. Dnevne navike ne razlikuju se značajno s obzirom na faktor bavljenja sportom, međutim, oni koji se bave sportom u nešto većoj mjeri izlaze u kafiće/klubove i više konzumiraju alkohol, dok oni koji se sportom ne bave nešto više sati dnevno provode pred medijima. Istraživanje ovakvih tema i zajednički rad roditelja, učitelja i lokalnih zajednica nužni su za unaprjeđenje provedbe slobodnog vremena adolescenata posebice kroz sport koji će zasigurno doprinijeti poboljšanju njihova zdravlja i kvalitete života. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In the last three decades, there has been a rapid development of technology and information technology, which has increased the sedentary lifestyle. This problem is faced not only by adults, but also by children, especially adolescents and high school students. Due to the greater amount of school duties, they are less and less interested in movement and playing sports and spend more of their free time in passive activities. The aim of this work was to find out how high school students of the Virovitica-Podravina County spend their time, whether parental involvement in sports affects their involvement in sports, and whether involvement in sports affects their popularity. Also, according to factors such as gender, place of residence, daily habits (going out, consumption of alcohol, tobacco products and narcotics, time spent in front of the media), school success and level of personal satisfaction, an effort was made to find out whether there are differences regarding whether they play sports or not. In accordance with this, an online survey was conducted, and the results showed that slightly more than half of the secondary school students of the Virovitica-Podravina County play sports in their free time, and that their parents' playing sports affects their playing sports, but that playing sports does not affect it too much on their popularity among peers. Young male men and those who live in the city are more involved in sports. Daily habits do not differ significantly with regard to the factor of playing sports, however, those who play sports go out to cafes/clubs to a slightly greater extent and consume more alcohol, while those who do not play sports spend slightly more hours a day in front of the media. The research of such topics and the joint work of parents, teachers and local communities are necessary to improve the implementation of adolescents' free time, especially through sports, which will certainly contribute to improving their health and quality of life. |