Sažetak | Rad prikazuje život sluškinja u Dubrovniku od 13. do 15. stoljeća, većinom koncipiran na tri velike teme: porijeklo, svakodnevni život i položaj u društvu. Kućna posluga u Dubrovniku bila je najčešće porijeklom iz obližnjeg zaleđa. Kroz sačuvane ugovore o stupanju u službu moguće je pratiti odnose ponude i potražnje kućne posluge, kao i plaće i uvjete kroz godine. Položaj žena u društvu u najvećoj mjeri odnosi se na pravni položaj i uloge sluškinja u obitelji i društvu. Život sluškinja promatra se kronološki, s različitih aspekata, počevši od djetinjstva gdje se promišlja o njegovom shvaćanju, ali i mentalitetu srednjovjekovnog čovjeka. Zatim se sagledavaju ugovori o mirazu i prava sluškinja prilikom sklapanja braka, imovinsko pravo udanih žena te se pokušava prikazati odnos između supružnika te majki prema njihovoj djeci. Nadalje, iz raznih optužbi i parnica pokušavaju se sagledati prava i mogućnosti sluškinja na sudu. One u većini slučajeva nisu raspolagale velikom imovinom, ali su im stečena imovina i zarađen novac omogućili neke gospodarske aktivnosti. Kako bi se što bolje opisao položaj sluškinja u društvu, radi lakšeg razumijevanja, navode se i uspoređuju slučajevi drugih gradskih komuna. U obzir su uzete i oporuke u kojima se spominju sluškinje. Nakon toga slijedi poglavlje o svakodnevici jedne sluškinje, pritom je najveći naglasak na obvezama koje mora ispuniti u danu te kulturi stanovanja i odijevanja. U posljednjem poglavlju posvećena je pažnja arhivskim izvorima koji bilježe bjegove ženske posluge. Navode se najčešći razlozi bijega te stvari koje sluškinje najčešće kradu. Analizom pojedinih arhivskih izvora nastoji se sagledati u kojoj se mjeri razlikuju statutarne odredbe i primjeri iz svakodnevnog života, zabilježeni u notarskim knjigama. Odredbe Dubrovačkog statuta promotrene su u komparaciji sa Statutima obližnjih jadranskih komuna.U radu su navedeni brojni primjeri u kojima se spominju sluškinje, ali i nekoliko zanimljivih priča, koje su rekonstruirane preko podataka iz dostupnih izvora i stavljene u kontekst. Arhivski izvori predstavljaju dragocjen izvor podataka za sagledavanje, između ostalog, svakodnevnog života sluškinja, na temelju kojeg se, uz korištenje podataka iz stručne literature, prikazuje šira slika sluškinja u Dubrovniku u srednjem vijeku. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper portrays the lives of maids in Dubrovnik from the 13th to the 15th century, conceptualized on three major topics; the origin, the daily life and their position in the society. House servants who worked in the Medieval Dubrovnik were usually from the Dalmatian Hinterland. Through the preserved service contracts, it is possible to track the supply and demand of house service, as well as their salaries and working conditions over the years. The position of women in society mostly refers to a legal position and to different roles maids had in the family life and the public sphere. The life of maids is observed chronologically, starting with the childhood where it is being reflected on its understanding, as well as on the mentality of a medieval man. Then, the dowry contracts are examined, along with the maid’s rights upon getting married, assets rights of married women, followed by an observation of the personal relations within a marriage, alongside with the relations between mothers and their children. Furthermore, the topic engages with the various accusations and litigation attempts, in order to examine the rights and opportunities of maids in court. In most cases, the maids did not dispose of large assets, but their acquired assets and earned money enabled them some economic activities. In order to successfully depict the position of maids in society, as well as an addition to the ease of understanding, the cases of other city communes are specified and compared. Furthermore, what is also considered in the paper are the last wills in which the maids were mentioned.This is followed by a chapter on the daily routine in a life of a maid, with the biggest emphasis on duties she had to fulfill during the day, the culture of living and dressing. In the last chapter, the attention is focused on archival sources that record the escapes of the female servants. Here, the most common reasons for escaping, along with the things they usually stole are mentioned. By analyzing individual archival sources, this paper seeks to see to what extent the statutory provisions differ from the everyday life, as it is recorded in notary books. The regulations of “The Statute of Dubrovnik” were observed in comparison with the statutes of the nearby Adriatic Communes. Moreover, the paper mentions numerous examples of maids, as well as several interesting stories which have been reconstructed and told through data and facts from the available sources and put into context. Archival sources are a valuable source of information for reviewing, among other things, the daily life of maids. Therefore, with the aid of the data from the archival sources and the technical literature, it is possible to present a much wider picture of maids in Dubrovnik in the Middle Ages. |